Smithsonian water exhibit coming to Idaho Falls Public Library
Published at | Updated atIDAHO FALLS — The Idaho Falls Public Library will soon host a Smithsonian traveling exhibit on people’s relationship to water.
Thanks to the Idaho Humanities Council, the library will be one of six places in the Gem State to feature the Water/Ways exhibit. It will be on display at the Idaho Falls library on May 31 and will later move to Ketchum, Pocatello, Nampa, Burley and Moscow.
Water/Ways explores water as a critical resource to science and culture, according to a release from the Idaho Humanities Council. It features water’s impact on humans as more than biological and environmental, but also as a source of peace and contemplation.
“It’s about the relationships between water and people. There’s historical references, there’s recreational references,” Idaho Falls Public Library Programming Specialist Liza Evans said.
Evans said there will be displays from the Teton Flood Museum and the Museum of Idaho. She said a lot of local history will be featured through the exhibit, and she’s excited to show images of Idaho Falls’ first power plant.
“Idaho Falls is so centered around water. The river runs right through it and (it is) the beginning of Idaho Falls with Taylor’s Bridge running right over,” Evans said.
She said the exhibit will have four free-standing display panels, and two additional panels with interactive touch screens.
The Smithsonian’s traveling exhibitions are part of its Museum on Main Street program, whose purpose is to bring the Smithsonian to small towns in the United States, according to its website.
Water/Ways will be on display in Idaho Falls from May 31 to July 9, and in Idaho until March 2017.
The Idaho Falls Public Library will host educational water programs associated with the exhibit. A full schedule can be found at the library or on its website.