Target Chief Information Officer Resigns Following Data Breach - East Idaho News

Target Chief Information Officer Resigns Following Data Breach

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121913 Target2?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1394057131677Target(NEW YORK) — Target’s technology chief Beth Jacob resigned Wednesday in the wake of a series of massive data breaches that affected more than 40 million customers.

The investigation into the holiday security incident is still ongoing.  Gredd Steinhafel, Target’s chairman, president and CEO, said the company will conduct a search for an interim chief information officer and will hire externally for the position.

In addition to filling her position, Target is also searching outside the company for a chief compliance officer. The period is one of major transition during which an external advisor will help evaluate the company’s technology, structure, processes and talent, Steinhafel said.

“While we are still in the process of an ongoing investigation, we recognized that the information security environment is evolving rapidly,” he said. “To ensure that Target is well positioned following the data breach we suffered last year, we are undertaking an overhaul of our information security and compliance structure and practices at Target.”

A data breach following Black Friday in 2013 affected 40 milion credit and debit card accounts, and the company later disclosed hackers took information such as phone numbers and addresses from as many as 70 million customers.

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