Schiess: Blizzard of Snow Geese swoops in - East Idaho News
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Schiess: Blizzard of Snow Geese swoops in

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As the dawn slowly chased the darkness from the eastern sky, I could hear the soft voices of the Lesser snow geese flying over the fields west of Market Lake. They were very high indicating they were migrating into the area; probably from American Falls Reservoir where they have been for almost a month. It sounded like they were headed for Mud Lake.


As I got to the southwest end of Mud Lake, 4,000 to 5,000 geese were resting on the half-thawed shallow lake. I watched as more snow geese joined the fray. Ross’s, a couple of Greater White-fronted with Blue Snow geese sprinkled in, continued to drop out of the sky. It wasn’t long before hunger set in and they started leaving in small groups for stubble and fall wheat fields.

Watching snow geese is like being in a snow blizzard, only the flakes are a lot larger. As thousands of snow geese take flight, their melodious high pitched two-note “howk-howk,” accompanied by the beating of their wings, drowns out most other sounds.


Instead of flying in the perfect “V” like Canada geese, snow geese fly in an undulating modified “V.” This motion along with small individual flocks flying at varying heights has earned them the name of “wavies.” Also as they migrate, snows will fly in small modified groups as part of the larger flock covering miles in almost never ending groups.

Within the flocks of snow geese there will be much smaller snow geese. These are the Ross’s geese that have a shorter neck, shorter bill and are only about half of the size as the Lesser Snows. Occasionally in the flocks will be darker birds. Most of these are the “Blue-phase” snow geese with their white head and blue neck and body. A pair of white snows can have a blue as an offspring, but most times you will see a pair of Blues coupled together.

In many flocks you may also see the Greater White-fronted geese that are a separate species of geese. They will be mostly a light gray with a white ring where the bill is attached to the head and a speckled belly.

Many other migrating waterfowl will join these large flocks as they feed and migrate north. Trumpeter and Tundra swans, Canada geese, mallard and pintail ducks often feed with and travel near the waves of Snows as well.

When snow geese first arrive they are looking for food as the area ponds and lakes are still mostly frozen. They will feed on grain, but their favorite food appears to be frozen and dried potatoes left over from last year’s harvest. They will stain the white feathers on their heads from digging in the partially frozen ground. Certain fields will be visited by thousands until the food is exhausted and then they will move to another field. They will move across a field in a wave noisily eating, but that noise is nothing like the noise when they take off.


As the ice recedes on Mud Lake and Market Lake and as the ponds on Camas National Wildlife Refuge are filled, the flocks of snow geese have begun using them as resting and watering places.

Hawks may circle the feeding geese and they are ignored, but when a Bald or Golden eagle shows up, the entire feeding mass rises in unison. The sound may be deafening but if they fly over you, look out for “poop bombs” because excited geese drop more than a few of them.

Last year the Snows stayed for a month until about April 10, but some years they only stay for about a week or two before they move on to their nesting area above the Arctic Circle. So if you want to view them, now’s the time. Just know that where they are feeding and resting is critical, so give them some space and view them from a distance.

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