Pocatello Regional Airport reduces Saturday flights
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The following is a news release from the city of Pocatello.
POCATELLO — Changes are coming to the Saturday flight schedule at Pocatello Regional Airport.
Starting January 1, SkyWest Airlines, serving as the Delta Connection to Salt Lake City, will offer a single arrival and departure on Saturdays. The new schedule will have no impact on the twice-daily flights on Sunday or three flights on weekdays.
“Historically, Saturday is our slowest day in terms of the number of travelers coming to or leaving Pocatello,” said David Allen, Pocatello Regional Airport Manager. “We understand that the change will be inconvenient for some but right now, the overall demand for the flight is not there. If the demand were to increase, the flight could return. ”
One place Allen says they are continuing to see increased demand is the airport’s weekday offerings. This past spring, SkyWest began offering a third weekday flight in Pocatello and passenger numbers are up 38 percent year to date and up 45 percent compared to the same period since the flight began in March.
“Travelers are obviously recognizing the benefits in flying to and from Pocatello,” Allen said. “We know we’re not always going to be the best option, but check the fares and calculate all the other costs of using another airport like parking, gas, time, and effort. You might find you’ll be better off flying from Pocatello.”
Passengers who utilize Pocatello are offered a series of free perks during their travels including the most popular, free parking. Other amenities offered at no charge include Wi-Fi, book sharing center courtesy of the Friends of the Marshall Public Library, shoe-shine station by Meyers Shoe Repair, a water refill station from Culligan Water Conditioning of Pocatello, complimentary coffee and a children’s play area from Pocatello Regional Airport.
For more information on Pocatello Regional Airport, visit iflypocatello.com and like the airport on Facebook at facebook.com/PocatelloRegionalAirport to stay up-to-date on airport giveaways, local and national aviation issues, and to see “Who’s Flying from Pocatello.”
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