IFPD launches program to deal with feral cat problem
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The following is a news release from the Idaho Falls Police Department.
IDAHO FALLS — The Idaho Falls Police Department is starting the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Pilot Program in Idaho Falls thanks to a $15,000 grant from Best Friends Animal Society. The TNR Pilot program will help Idaho Falls humanely manage the area’s community cat populations.
Through the TNR Pilot Project, Animal Services staff and volunteers will humanely trap and sterilize free-roaming, unowned cats. The cats will also be vaccinated and medically treated before they are returned to the outdoors to live out their natural lives without reproducing. The goal is to perform 220 sterilization surgeries over the next six months. “The TNR program is a proven solution to help manage and decrease the number of community cats,” Idaho Falls Animal Services Manager said. “This Best Friend Animal Society grant will be instrumental in bettering the community by reducing cat nuisances, but also save these cats’ lives.”
Best Friends Animal Society is a national animal welfare organization dedicated to ending the killing of dogs and cats in America’s shelters. They partner with 1,700 rescue groups and shelters across the country.
Animal Services will be working with two local veterinarians during this project. The department also received an additional $5,000 in funding from local private organizations to assist with the program.
“We’re really grateful to Best Friends Animal Society and our other donors,” Brown said. “Without this grant, this program would not have been possible.”
Brown said this program will reduce the number of unhealthy cats coming into the shelter. It will also reduce the number of nuisance cat complaints. The IFPD hopes to be able to receive additional grant funding over the next few years to continue the program following this year.
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