RESULTS: College of Eastern Idaho measure passes with 71 percent
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IDAHO FALLS — The votes have been tallied and the measure to create a taxing district for the creation of the College of Eastern Idaho has passed with 71 percent of the vote.
The measure required a supermajority support (66.6 percent) to pass. The results are below.
Ballot Question: Shall a community college be organized to create the College of Eastern Idaho, which shall be a successor entity to Eastern Idaho Technical College?
YES: 10,213 (71.42 percent)
NO: 4,086 (28.58 percent)
48 of 52 precincts reporting. Includes absentee and early votes.
More info on community college issue
State Board of Education advances effort to create community college in Idaho Falls
Local Republicans oppose community college taxing district
Bonneville Democrats pass resolution supporting community college
Bonneville Co. Republican Women vote in favor of community college
EAST IDAHO NEWSMAKERS: Should EITC become a community college?
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