It's 'Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day' but we're promising to keep these goals - East Idaho News

It’s ‘Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day’ but we’re promising to keep these goals

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We’re 17 days into 2018 and chances are most of us have already broken our New Year’s Resolutions.

In fact, somebody somewhere officially named today “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day” but, instead of throwing ours out the window, we here at are doubling down and are determined to get healthier this year!

Several of us have made some goals to improve our lives and we want you, our wonderful users, to hold us accountable. And, more importantly, we want to hear from you and do what we can to encourage you in keeping your resolutions.

From now until April 15, we’ll be posting occasional updates on our goals and hopefully we’ll have great news to report on tax day.

So here we go – and here’s to a healthier 2018!


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​My 2018 goal is to kick the carb addiction I developed over the holidays! No more chocolate for me! I’m hoping, at the same time, to lose the 5 to 10 Christmas pounds I was “gifted.”

I’M COMMITTING … to not eat any chocolate and lose 10 pounds by April 15.


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My overall goal for 2018 is to lose 70 pounds by Oct. 6. As part of reaching that goal, I have started a diet. I have already begun by cutting out soda and fruit juices from my diet. I plan to cut out all sweets including pastries next. By April 15, I will have cut out all sweets.

I’M COMMITTING … to cut out all sweets (including baked goods) and lose 20 pounds by April 15.


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A few years ago I ran five to six times a week and completed two marathons. I realized I needed to do something this year after a viewer came up to me at Home Depot and said, “Wow, you’ve gotten fat!” I’m watching my calories, eating less, drinking less soda and want to run a lot more.

I’M COMMITTING … to run 4-5 times a week and lose 15 pounds by April 15.


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I’M COMMITTING … to complete a 90-day workout program by April 15.


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In 2018 I would like to reduce my current body fat by 37 percent with an 11 percent reduction in weight. While training for three long run races this year, I would like to be at 300 miles by April 15.

I’M COMMITTING … to measure 15 percent body fat, weigh 190 pounds and have run 300 miles by April 15.


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I’M COMMITTING … to box 5-6 days a week and lose 25 pounds by April 15.


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I’M COMMITTING … to run a 10K by April 15 and a half-marathon in July.


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I’M COMMITTING…to walk every day during my lunch break, do strength exercises four times a week and lose 10 pounds by April 15.