Here’s why you should vote NO on the D91 school bond
Published at | Updated atEDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an opinion column by D91 Taxpayers – an advocacy group opposed to the school bond proposed by Idaho Falls School District 91. Click here to read the editorial submitted by those in favor of the bond.
Last November over 4,000 patrons rejected District 91’s massive bond proposal. Today’s proposal is actually worse, giving us less for almost the same price.
According to the ballot, this proposal will, with interest, cost us a whopping $124,500,000.00! This huge wasteful spending spree will be paid back by all of us, from working families to the elderly, from those on fixed incomes to renters through higher rents, and by local businesses, big and small. There are many that cannot afford this new tax.
Newsmakers: Supporters and opposers discuss the D91 school bond
We agree that our school buildings need improvements and to be upgraded, but wonder what happened to the original plan the district laid out in the fall of 2016 to do a comprehensive upgrade to both Idaho Falls and Skyline High schools for a projected $30-$50 million. Somehow that plan morphed into a $124,500,000.00 behemoth.
We stand by the claim that the process the district chose to use included no-bid selections of the construction manager, architect, and bond company.
(Please see our full rebuttal at our website:
There are much better options to get a school built employing ways that respect taxpayers’ dollars. The district basically turned the project over to a no-bid firm to decide what was needed and how much it would cost, then had a 3rd party negotiate some of the fees. That’s akin to going to a car dealership and letting the salesman decide what car they want to sell you and for what price.
When it comes to the huge new taxes needed to pay for this mega-bond the other side seems to duck and hide. The bond repayment schedules require a huge increase in collected property taxes. Patrons are already seeing their property taxes go up without this huge bond. What we do know for sure is that $124,500,000.00 in new taxes have to be collected to pay for this bond. And today’s 1st graders will have to pay for it for a full 8 years after they graduate. That is not good for our kids.
One of the biggest ironies to this entire proposal is that the district said the Idaho Falls High School building is too outdated. Stairwells which were fine for decades are now suddenly unsafe, and electricity and wifi are deemed inadequate. But the district also tells us that for just $2 million, the same building can be fixed up and used as a technical high school. To top it off, the district has saved up some $5 million of our taxes that could be used right now to fix up our schools. They have stockpiled taxes instead of maintaining the buildings. Patrons should be outraged that roofs have leaked and wifi and electrical outlets are insufficient.
If our shrinking district does grow again, both Skyline and Idaho Falls, which are currently 4A, have capacity for more students, having once been 5A size.
Safety is a big concern. But again, the IFHS building can be made safe for students for just $2 million when a tech school. So why not now?
The current IF High School is an important part of the local community and the heart of nearby neighborhoods. The new plan calls for moving it miles to the south, away from the majority of students. The negative impact on less-advantaged students should be of great concern to us all as well.
Yes, others contributed to our education. But they gave us an education that included satisfactory buildings and smaller debt. Today’s proposal is for extravagant buildings, which leaves us all, including our kids, in debt for 20 years.
Please Vote NO.