A surprise for the sister of a high school football player who was paralyzed diving into the Snake River
Published atEastIdahoNews.com and Ashley Furniture HomeStore are teaming up every week to bring you some good news during Feel Good Friday!
We want to surprise people in our community with random acts of kindness and leave you feeling good.
Nate Koplin is a senior football player at Skyline High School who was paralyzed last month after diving into the Snake River. Nate is now at the University of Utah recovering from surgery and related injuries.
“Nate wants his team to know that he is not giving up and is working hard and so should they,” Mindy Koplin, Nate’s mother, recently said in a news release. “They are an inspiration to him.”
The family has been touched at the outpouring of community support since the accident and we decided to surprise Nate’s little sister, McKenna, while she was in pottery class at school. Siblings often feel overlooked during difficult family times and we want to make sure she knows there are many who love and support her.
Watch the video above to see what happened!
And, if you’re interested in helping the Koplins, Journey’s End Golf Course in Shelley will host a Benefit Golf Day and Tournament with all proceeds of green fees being donated to Nate’s family. Walkabout Junction will donate proceeds of food sales to the family.
The tournament will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29. Local schools are encouraged to send student teams in uniforms/school colors.
Hamburgers and hot dogs will be available for purchase. Regular golfing will take place from 1 p.m. to dark. All proceeds of the day will be donated to the Koplin family to help with medical costs.
If you have a Feel Good Friday idea, email neaton@eastidahonews.com.
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Feel Good Friday is sponsored by Ashley and Ashley Outlet in Idaho Falls, where we are committed to being your trusted partner and style leader for the home. Ashley also seeks to inspire the love of home and enrich others' lives.