EastIdahoNews.com honored with National Murrow Award in New York City - East Idaho News

EastIdahoNews.com honored with National Murrow Award in New York City

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NEW YORK CITY — EastIdahoNews.com was among news organizations from across the country honored at the National Edward R. Murrow Awards Monday evening at Gotham Hall in New York City.

“Kaio’s Courage” was selected as the top feature story by a small online news organization in 2017 by the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA). EastIdahoNews.com News Director Nate Eaton produced the story and accepted the award at the prestigious journalism gala.

More than 4,400 entries were submitted from local and network radio, television and digital newsrooms including ABC News, 60 Minutes, The New York Times, TIME, NPR, The Washington Post, VICE News and others. RTDNA has been honoring outstanding achievements in electronic journalism with these awards since 1971.


“This award is such an incredible honor and I’m grateful for EastIdahoNews.com users who support local news every day,” Eaton says. “Journalism is essential in our society, and tonight was a celebration of the First Amendment.”

nate reporters
EastIdahoNews.com News Director Nate Eaton with 60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker, ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir and NBC News correspondent Harry Smith. | Nate Eaton, EastIdahoNews.com

“Kaio’s Courage” tells the story of Kaio Abel Doxey, who was born 16 weeks early at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls. He measured less than 11 inches long and weighed 435 grams — a little more than a can of soda.

WATCH | Miracle baby Kaio, born at 24 weeks, proves that ‘he’s a little fighter’

With the help and support of his parents, Kaio and Jessica Doxey, along with doctors and nurses at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, Kaio beat the odds and was able to go home four months after his birth. He turned one this past summer and his family says he’s doing remarkably well.

The subject of this award was extra special to Eaton as his wife, Erica, is expecting their third child any day now. She was unable to attend the award’s ceremony, and Eaton is taking the first plane home from New York City on Tuesday morning in case she goes into labor.