Ammon set to begin water metering program soon - East Idaho News

Ammon set to begin water metering program soon

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AMMON — The City of Ammon has worked to install water meters on around 70 percent of homes and is ready to decide on a rate to put a new water metering program in place this spring.

“Two years ago we hired an engineering firm to come in and do a full-scale analysis of our system. Based on that analysis … we determined that the best way for the system to pay for itself and to basically run the system was to make the water metered,” Ammon mayor Sean Coletti told

Coletti expects the City Council will decide on a metering rate in February 2019. That rate will go into effect with the spring watering season beginning in April.

According to the City of Ammon’s website, the average amount of water used by residents is 7,000 gallons a month. That number was determined by how much water was used during winter months.

“Over the last year, we’ve had a test period where residents could see how much water they’re using and what that would equate to in a test period rate,” Coletti said.

That test rate was a flat $30 for up to 7,000 gallons with an additional $1.25 per 1,000 gallons over the base 7,000.

“For the past year, we’ve been doing classes where we talk about conservation practices and tips and understanding the metered system,” Coletti said.

Coletti said the test rate was simply an example of what residents could expect once metering goes into effect. It is not meant to indicate what the actual rate will be.

“We’re going to be, within the next few weeks, publishing a rate for approval,” he explained. “We’ve got to go through this publication process in order to have an open meeting where it’s discussed and then a rate is approved.”

Residents that have had a meter installed by the time the metering program goes into effect will still see a change in their water rate.

“A plan for concluding and finishing all meters in all residences is a top priority for me,” he said.

Residents can go to the City of Ammon’s website to learn more about the water metering program.