Scrape your windows or you could face a $67 fine (and even worse) - East Idaho News

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Scrape your windows or you could face a $67 fine (and even worse)

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The following is a news release from the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office.

The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office sends this reminder to all drivers to pay extra attention to road conditions during this upcoming cold weather season. Cold temperatures bring frosted and ice covered windows and already we are seeing many motorists that don’t take the time to clear their windows.

Many problems come with this, such as not being able to see emergency vehicles, construction zones and workers, and more importantly, schools zones, bus stops and crosswalks with pedestrian traffic. Having your windows obstructed with any nontransparent material, including sides, wing, and rear windows, is an infraction with a fine of $67.

Being involved in a crash because you didn’t scrape your windows becomes even more costly for everyone, especially if there are injuries involved. Vehicles are also required to have functioning windshield wipers in good working order. Failing to do so is also an infraction with a $67 fine.

Constant changing of weather and road conditions is a given in our part of Idaho. That makes it even more important to pay attention to your driving, avoid distractions and slow down. Make sure to watch for changing speed zones, especially near schools and crosswalks, and come to a complete stop at stop signs. Taking the time to make sure you are properly yielding to traffic that has the right of way instead of being in too big a hurry greatly reduces your chances in being involved in a collision.

Traffic laws are in place to maintain the safe flow of traffic for everyone. Motorists who are distracted, fail to pay attention to their driving, or ignore traffic control devices greatly increase the risk to themselves and other motorists. Always wear your seatbelt, pay attention, and don’t be the driver who causes a crash because you’re in too big of a hurry to obey the law.