Man charged with sex crimes in the past now accused of molesting child - East Idaho News
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Man charged with sex crimes in the past now accused of molesting child

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REXBURG — A man accused of sex crimes in the past has now been charged with molesting a child relative.

Noah Sean Della Silva, 19, is charged with one felony count of lewd conduct with a child after the alleged sexual abuse.

On Nov. 3, the victim and her mother went to the Rexburg Police Department and told officers Della Silva had molested the girl while staying at a family member’s home. The victim told police it happened multiple times in 2016.

At the time of the alleged sexual abuse, the victim was nine and Della Silva would have been between 16 and 17 years old, according to court documents obtained by

Court documents show Della Silva instructed the victim not to tell anyone about the abuse.

A detective mentioned in his report that he investigated Della Silva for rape when Della Silva was 18. Both individuals later admitted to having consensual sex to police. That charge was amended to felony injury of a child as part of a plea agreement last year. He was given a six-year suspended prison sentence and placed on eight years of probation.

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Della Silva was arraigned in Madison County District Court on the lewd conduct charge Monday. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison.