A Feel Good Friday surprise for a cheerful Wendy’s employee who’s retiring next week
Published atEastIdahoNews.com and Ashley Furniture HomeStore are teaming up every week to bring you some good news during Feel Good Friday!
We want to thank people in our community with random acts of kindness and leave you feeling good.
It’s a big week for a woman who works at an Idaho Falls Wendy’s. Renita has been employed at the Wendy’s on Northgate Mile and is retiring! You’ve likely met her if you’ve visited this particular restaurant and she always has a smile for every customer who comes in.
Renita has impacted so many lives that we decided to thank her for the years of hard work. We surprised her and wished her well in retirement! Watch the video above to see what happened.
If you have an idea for Feel Good Friday, email neaton@eastidahonews.com.
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Feel Good Friday is sponsored by Ashley and Ashley Outlet in Idaho Falls, where we are committed to being your trusted partner and style leader for the home. Ashley also seeks to inspire the love of home and enrich others' lives.
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