Woman left speechless when a Secret Santa surprises her with a new smile for Christmas
Published atThe EastIdahoNews.com team is busy helping a local man gift $500,000 this holiday season! Secret Santa is a real person who wants to remain anonymous and wants to help as many people as he can.
We will be surprising deserving people and families every day from now until Christmas with gifts unique to their circumstances.
About 4 years ago, Kristy Osborne was injured when she tripped and fell in the road. This resulted in several surgeries, including on her knee and back. Recovery has been difficult and long.
At the time of the accident, she was a traveling salesperson visiting quilt shops in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah. Even though she was in pain, she continued working up until the time she had back surgery. She intended to take a 3-6 month leave and made contact with her clients while doing paperwork at home. Finally, because of her limitations and the job requirements of lifting heavy boxes, she had to give up her job.
Kristy has experienced many dental problems this past year and it will cost a lot of money to get her smile back to normal. Her goal is to find employment by teaching quilting in local quilting stores but feels she needs dental work done before she can teach in public.
Secret Santa knew Kristy deserved an early Christmas gift and asked the East Idaho News elves to go give her a surprise. Watch the video above to see what happened!