Owing more in state taxes? Check your Idaho W-4
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IDAHO FALLS — Owe more in state taxes this year? You’re not alone.
A number of EastIdahoNews.com users have reached out and asked why their state taxes seem to be higher this year. If you’re in this group, chances are you didn’t update your Idaho W-4 income tax withholding form.
Before 2018, Idaho used the federal W-4 withholding form to figure income tax withholdings. When federal tax laws changed, Idaho had to create its own W-4.
“If you haven’t adjusted your state withholding to account for new tax laws enacted in 2018, you might owe more taxes when you filed your 2019 return this year,” Idaho State Tax Commission spokeswoman Renee Eymann told EastIdahoNews.com.
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It’s too late for your 2019 tax returns, but Eymann said it’s not too late to update your state tax withholdings for next year.
“We advise people to check their withholdings once a year at the beginning of the year just to see if they need to update it. Or if they’ve had a life change, they got married, divorced, had kids — things like that — they should check it to see if they need to update it,” Eymann said.
Find the Idaho W-4 here.
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