Isolation Inspiration: How CHiPs star Erik Estrada is using humor, family and hope during this uncertain time - East Idaho News
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Isolation Inspiration: How CHiPs star Erik Estrada is using humor, family and hope during this uncertain time

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I’ll be the first to admit that the news can be overwhelming and what’s happening in many parts of the country is terrifying. Our community has changed so fast and it’s a little scary not knowing what’s next.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking of ways can present more positive, uplifting content during these uncertain times. Our main duty is to report the news – no matter how bad it is. But we also have an obligation to inform you of good things and hopefully entertain or enlighten you a little.

I’ve reached out to several people across the country who are known for their optimistic attitudes and asked them to video chat with me. Over the coming days, we’ll be posting these conversations in a series I’m calling “Isolation Inspiration.” They’re meant to inspire you – no matter what situation you’re in.

You are likely familiar with Erik Estrada. He co-starred as Frank “Ponch” Poncharello in the TV series CHiPs and has acted in dozens of movies over the years. In 1979, he was voted one of “The 10 Sexiest Bachelors in the World” by People magazine and was featured on the cover of the November issue.

Erik has a passion for law enforcement and has served as a reserve police officer for the Muncie, Indiana Police Department and the St. Anthony Police Department. He’s also worked as an Internet Crimes Against Children investigator in Virginia and will soon join the Pocatello Police Department as a reserve officer.

The most important thing Erik wants people to know about him is he loves his family and, in our conversation, he became very emotional talking about his mother. She passed away two years ago and it was the hardest time in his life. But he shared with me what he learned coping with her death and how he gets through hard times.

I hope you’ll watch the videos in this series and know that things will ultimately be ok.

-Nate Eaton

Thanks to Fat Cats in Rexburg for providing screenings for movie reviews on