Idaho Falls company provides smart thermometers to Mackay School District - East Idaho News

Idaho Falls company provides smart thermometers to Mackay School District

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IDAHO FALLS — An Idaho Falls-based company has donated smart thermometers to each of the 115 families who have students enrolled in Mackay School District.

Ball Ventures provided the medical supplies to help the district predict and respond to the spread of COVID-19, according to a news release. The district has had a significant number of COVID-19 cases over the last few weeks, which initially resulted in the district moving to online learning to slow the spread of the virus.

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Since then District 182 has moved to a hybrid learning model, which combines in-person and online learning for the 220 students in the district.

Ball Ventures worked directly with Superintendent Susan Buescher to assess and provide for the district’s needs.

“As part of Mackay School District’s COVID-19 Plan, we are asking parents to screen their children prior to sending them to school,” Buescher said in a news release. “The generous donation of these Kinsa Smart thermometers will help families and the school in their efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and curb the upcoming influenza season. Thank you for helping us keep our students healthy, safe, and in school.”

Ball Ventures is a co-founding company partner of Crush The Curve Idaho. The organization is a coordinated effort by Idaho businesses, innovators and leaders working to reduce the spread of COVID-19 throughout Idaho.

The groups has worked to increase the availability of COVID-19 testing in Idaho, and is working to provide thousands of similar Kinsa smart thermometers to businesses and schools across the state.

RELATED: Crush the Curve campaign launches to get COVID-19 tests to essential workers

“Education is so important to the future of Idaho. It’s important to Ball Ventures to help Idaho families and communities, particularly at this time,” Ball Ventures CEO Cortney Liddiard said in a news release. “We provided Ball Ventures employees with smart thermometers, another way we responded to and have managed the crisis, which has helped our office remain open and operating. We hope these smart thermometers provide Mackay School District with a tool that may help the schools stay open for the students they serve.”