Secret Santa Update: The family who Secret Santa surprised twice - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Secret Santa Update: The family who Secret Santa surprised twice

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For the past five years, we’ve been able to help surprise deserving people in eastern Idaho with gifts from an anonymous Secret Santa.

Many times we’re asked for updates on the recipients so every Monday, from now until Christmas, we’ll be posting an interview with someone who received a Secret Santa gift in the past.

Secret Santa surprised the Parkers in 2018 and in 2019. Ben Parker has had cancer twice and was working hard to support his family. Secret Santa surprised them with gift cards so they could purchase warm winter clothing.

Then, one year later, Ben Parker and their oldest daughter, Rosie, were in a car crash in front of their home. The car was totaled. Ben sustained a concussion and Rosie was seriously injured.

Rosie began having medical complications and had to be revived three times. She became septic and was transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. Doctors had to amputate her legs and hands. Secret Santa surprised them with a vehicle and $10,000 check.

Rosie is doing better now and adjusting to a new way of life. We spoke with her and her mother, Eileen, about how the family is doing. Watch the inspirational conversation in the video player above.

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