New Idaho Falls city ordinance may require fire code permit from small businesses
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The following is a news release from the city of Idaho Falls.
Attention Idaho Falls business owners! There is a new city ordinance which may require action from you by May 15. Check your mailbox for a flyer and letter with additional information and instructions from the Idaho Falls Fire Department.
The Partners in Public Safety Program empowers business owners to work with the department to proactively protect employees, businesses, firefighters and the public.
Fire and other emergencies are inherently risky and dangerous to the continuous operation of businesses, the public and firefighters. This risk can be considerably lessened when emergency response personnel have current and accurate information about the conditions, conduct, and operations of a business.
“This program helps mitigate risk for businesses and puts valuable information in our firefighters’ hands before they arrive on scene during an emergency,” explains IFFD Fire Marshal, Scott Grimmett.
There are three key elements of this program. The first two elements – the business registration and fire code permit application and inspection – are required for applicable businesses by the International Fire Code. This code, which was adopted by the City of Idaho Falls, lists multiple Operational Permit types that establish a minimum level of safety when operating a business.
Any person, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity intending to engage, or actually engaging, in any business which requires a fire code permit(s) shall register with the city. Registration shall be valid for a consecutive twelve months. A separate registration shall be required for each outlet, branch, location or place of business in the city that requires an operational permit(s).
“The business registration and fire code permit may not apply to every business in Idaho Falls. There are links to permit types within the online application to help business owners determine if this requirement applies to them,” explains Kerry Hammon, public information officer, Idaho Falls Fire Department. “We also have staff available by phone or email to answer questions and help business owners through this process,” adds Hammon.
“For those businesses that do require registration and permits, we will contact the business owner to schedule an inspection after the online registration is completed and reviewed. This will be done annually,” explains Grimmett.
The third element of the program is emergency contact information. All business in Idaho Falls, regardless of whether or not they need the registration, permit and inspection are encouraged to complete this element. While this element is not required by ordinance, it is beneficial to minimize the loss or interruption of business operations in an emergency situation.
Hammon explains, “Should a fire or other emergency occur at your business after hours, on a holiday or other times when a responsible party is not on the premises, it is critical that we have updated contact information for responsible individuals who can provide law enforcement and fire officials with essential information and access to the property.”
The information and forms can be found by clicking on the links above or by going to the Forms button on the Idaho Falls Fire Department website.
For questions or concerns, contact IFFD Fire Prevention Division at (208) 612-8497 or