Secret Santa surprises young mother with life-changing medical device
Published atThe team is busy this holiday season helping a local man gift $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho. Secret Santa is a real person who wants to remain anonymous and hopes to bless as many individuals in our community as he can.
Alaina has had a difficult year. Her dad died of COVID-19 in January after being on a respirator for two months and her little family then contracted the virus.
She was expecting a baby at the end of this month but ended up delivering the child four months early. He is still in the NICU at a hospital in Utah. Her husband, Tate, had just started a small business when the baby came so money is tight.
Alaina has been diabetic since she was 7. She and her husband had been trying to save money for an insulin pump when everything fell apart. Having a pump would improve her health and extend her life so she could raise her sweet babies
Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to surprise Alaina and we caught up with her following a doctor’s appointment. Watch the video above to see what happened!