Ammon Bundy drops out of GOP governor race, intends to run as independent - East Idaho News

Ammon Bundy drops out of GOP governor race, intends to run as independent

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BOISE — Idaho gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy has dropped out of the Republican primary and will now run for governor as an independent.

Bundy announced his intentions in a news release Thursday after a Boise radio host claimed Bundy made a deal with challenger Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin. The rumor said Bundy would drop out of the GOP primary and endorse McGeachin. Bundy said those rumors were false and that he has never made an endorsement agreement with McGeachin.

In the release, Bundy announced he would be separating himself from the Republican Party.

“Because of the corrupt and wicked state of the Idaho Republican Party establishment, I have considered several times of un-affiliating myself with the party and running as an independent candidate,” Bundy said in his statement. “However, I find myself in a conundrum. The Republican Party platform is the platform I stand behind but the Republican establishment in Idaho is full of filth and corruption and they refuse to put forth the party platform.”

Bundy said the Republican Party platform of “limited government, fiscal responsibility, and ending abortion” has been shoved into the garbage by the Republican establishment.

“Therefore, I am announcing that I will not be running in the Republican primary and instead will run as an independent candidate,” he said. “I am certain that by unifying Idahoans behind the actual Republican platform we can take back control of the Idaho government and restore the conservative values that have made Idaho such a great place to live.”

With Bundy announcing his intent to run as an independent, he will not be on the ballot during the Spring primary elections. His name will instead appear during the November general election.

McGeachin responded to Bundy’s announcement in a news release, calling herself the “one viable conservative candidate” running for office.

“I am, as I have been throughout my campaign, entirely focused on defeating Brad Little and restoring the principles of state sovereignty, individual liberty, and traditional conservative values in Idaho,” McGeachin said in the release.

Little has not formally announced his re-election campaign but he has started running campaign advertisements. He’s also raised nearly $1.5 million in campaign contributions ahead of the primary, according to the Idaho Secretary of State website.

Little has raised more money than McGeachin, Bundy and newcomer Ed Humphreys combined.

Humphreys also made a statement Thursday, saying that Idahoans are tired of career politicians.

“My team and I remain committed to offering Republicans in Idaho a choice for bold, new and energetic leadership at the top of the ticket,” Humphreys said. “We have many people who attend our events who have never been involved in politics before. This gives me great hope for our future.”

Bundy’s political career in Idaho with the Republican party has not come without setbacks.

When Bundy announced his intent to run on the Republican ticket, Idaho Republican Party Chairman Tom Luna issued a statement, saying the then-future candidate was trying to divide the party. Luna said the Idaho GOP does not support his “chaotic political theater” and will not turn a blind eye to his actions.

“Republicans are the party of law and order, and Ammon Bundy is not suited to call himself an Idaho Republican, let alone run for governor of our great state,” Luna said.

Luna was referring to Bundy’s actions at the Idaho Statehouse in 2020 that led to him being convicted for misdemeanor trespassing and resisting or obstructing arrest. Bundy has defended his actions, including in a 2021 interview with