Woman placed on rider for shooting man during fight over a broken cellphone - East Idaho News
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Woman placed on rider for shooting man during fight over a broken cellphone

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AMERICAN FALLS — A Pocatello woman who shot a man over a broken cell phone has been sentenced to a rider program.

Stephanie L. Wasson, 27, was placed on the rider Jan. 25 after previously pleading guilty to felony aggravated battery. When handing down the sentence, District Judge Rick Carnaroli gave Wasson an underlying three- to eight-year prison sentence.

A rider program is where a judge sends a person to prison for up to a year to undergo different treatment programs. When the inmate has completed the program, the judge can then decide to send them back to prison or release them on probation.

Wasson was originally charged with felony attempted second-degree murder, robbery and destruction or concealment of evidence. However, as part of a plea agreement, the attempted murder charge was amended to felony aggravated battery and the concealment of evidence charge was dismissed. Prosecutors also agreed to recommend Wasson be placed into a rider as part of the agreement.

The robbery charge was dismissed after a May 2021 preliminary hearing when a judge said there was not enough probable cause to support the charge.

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The American Falls Police Department arrested Wasson on April 15, 2021, after neighbors found a 29-year-old man outside his home who had been shot in the back. According to an affidavit of probable cause obtained by EastIdahoNews.com, while the man lay on the ground waiting for an ambulance, he told police Wasson had shot him.

Officers looked around the scene and found a single .380 shell casing in the street by the victim’s car.

During the investigation, police learned Wasson, her sister Sabrina Dawn Wasson, Michael White and the victim were at Rock Bottom Bar early that morning before the shooting. After leaving, the group went to Jacksons’ gas station where a physical altercation began.

The fight eventually moved down the street to the front yard of the victim’s home, where he was eventually shot.

Authorities began searching for the suspects, and shortly after 4 a.m., an American Falls officer and Power County Sheriff’s deputy found Stephanie and White near a home on Idanha Avenue. The two were seen walking away from a shed on the property before authorities detained them for questioning.

Detectives spoke with Stephanie in the back of a patrol vehicle. According to the probable cause affidavit, during that conversation, she admitted to shooting the victim with a pistol at the man’s house. She claimed the fight broke out when the victim allegedly broke Sabrina’s phone.

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Stephanie reportedly told investigators that Sabrina was inside the home on Idanha. When police checked the home, Sabrina refused to speak with investigators.

When investigators spoke with White, he said he carries a .380 pistol. When fighting with the victim, he said it probably fell off of him. After hearing a pop, the three suspects left the victim’s house to go to the home on Idanha. He also said they took the victim’s phone.

A family member of the Wassons allowed investigators to search the house on Idanha where police say they found the victim’s cell phone, car keys, and wallet. Inside the shed, investigators also uncovered a .380 handgun inside a red toolbox. Fresh footprints possibly belonging to White and Stephanie were also found inside the shed.

Sabrina pleaded guilty to misdemeanor resisting and obstructing officers in November and received credit for the 12 days she spent behind bars. White pleaded guilty to felony concealment of evidence and was placed on two years and six months of probation on Jan. 25.

In addition to the time on the rider program, Carnaroli ordered Stephanie to pay $2,045.50 in fees and fines, according to court records.