Workman, Garner battle for Seat 28B Republican primary nomination - East Idaho News
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Workman, Garner battle for Seat 28B Republican primary nomination

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PRESTON — Two Republican Franklin County farmers will face off in a primary election that will decide the new District 28 Seat B representative.

With current 28B representative Kevin Andrus running for District 35 Seat A this election, Dan Garner and R. Scott Workman will run against each other in an election that will not include an incumbent. sent the same eight questions to each candidate. Their answers below were required to be 250 words or less.

District 28 includes all of Franklin and Power counties, and parts of Bannock County.

The primary election is on May 17. The general election is on November 8.

Tell us about yourself — include information about your family, career, education, volunteer work and any prior experience in public office.

WORKMAN: I’m Robert Scott Workman, but I go by Scott.

I live in Treasureton, a farming community north of Preston. I have lived here most of my life, except time on LDS mission and school at Ricks college and the University of Idaho. I have been involved on the family farm all my life.

I have three sons Bryan, who lives in Salt Lake, Jared, who lives in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and Chase, who works with me on the farm. We have a small dairy and raise organic wheat and alfalfa. I am partners with my brother Todd. I also have 9.6 — nine, with a 10th on the way — grandchildren.

Before I ran for public office, I sat on different community boards which enriched myself and others.

I served for eight years as County Commissioner from Franklin County. During my eight years I was on many county and some state boards. That gave me an opportunity to see government in action. I feel that I was able to learn a lot about the proper role of government and to be part of it. It was a great learning experience that I would like to take to Boise.

I know that the decisions made at the local level are the best, so with that I would look out for local government.

I am a Republican and I am running for District 28 seat B. I’d appreciate your vote!

GARNER: I am a farmer and rancher in Franklin County. I grow hay, grain, specialty crops, and run a 100-head cow-calf operation.

I have been blessed to be able to raise four great kids, while doing what I love.

I attended BYU Provo after high school and earned a BS degree in Economics.

After graduating college, I married the love of my life and started my family. I have one daughter and three sons, all with different interests and talents.

While Farming I have started several successful small businesses, some of them being a septic tank installation business, a Trucking Company, and a small gravel pit. I have served on our local school board for nine years this July. I also serve on the State Farm Bureau Federation board along with serving on the State Farm Bureau Insurance board and have had this honor since 2015.

I also have served on the American Farm Bureau, “Organic and Direct Marketing Committee.” I enjoy serving others and my community.

What are your proudest accomplishments in your personal life or career?

WORKMAN: Some of my proudest accomplishments, besides raising 3 great men, has been my accomplishments I made as a commissioner.

I had the opportunity to sit on the ICRMP (Idaho Counties Risk Management) board for a number of years. That is a board that your fellow commissioners put their trust in you to represent them on insurance issues for county, city, schools, and numerous taxing entities.

GARNER: What I am proudest of is raising four great kids, that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I will admit that I got lucky. I can’t imagine raising them anywhere else than the great state of Idaho with people around them that share the same goals and values that our family does.

It also was pretty neat to be a recipient of the FFA Honorary State Farmer Degree in 2012.

Why are you a member of the Republican/Democrat/other party? Briefly explain your political platform.

WORKMAN: I am a Republican. I am a conservative. If it doesn’t make sense, it is not right.

Government should be by and for the people, and to stand up for whats right.

I always did my homework when making a major decision as a commissioner and I would continue doing that on the state level.

I also believe that taxes are sacred, and should be used wisely. Taxes can be a burden on people so I would work to keep them low, but also understanding the state as many programs that are funded from taxes. One the most important is school funding. I’ve seen how communities have struggled to fund schools, from buildings to teachers.

Having grandchildren coming through the school system I want them to get the best education possible. They are the future of our nation, so having the best education possible will help build a strong community and state.

I also would protect property rights. I am a land owner and have witnessed the importance of protecting ones property. I grew up hunting. At a very young age I was out on in the hills looking for that big buck or elk.

Besides hunting I also believe that it is important to be able to protect ourselves. So I support gun rights.

I have always used a common sense approach to government, and have learned to listen to everyone, no matter what party or affiliation that they may be involved with. It is important to learn from all people.

GARNER: I am a member of the Republican Party because it best aligns with my conservative beliefs.

I strongly believe in Private Property rights and the protection thereof. I believe that the best decisions from government come from the local government or as close to the people being governed as possible. This brings the ability to have different solutions for the same problem in different communities. What works for one might not work for all.

I believe that government should be held to being fiscally responsible and believe that the fact that Idaho is required to balance the budget is why we are doing so well fiscally.

We also need to watch for government overreach which often happens through their agencies. I was pleased when the legislators decided to review the rules of these agencies now and then, but feel more oversight might be needed.

Last and perhaps most importantly, I feel we need to improve our children’s education, by providing more tech classes or certifications while they are in High School, along with dual credit opportunities for those wishing to go on to college. This will better prepare our young people for the fast-changing world that we live in today.

What are the greatest challenges facing Idahoans?

WORKMAN: What I see as some of the greatest challenges facing Idaho is the growth that we are experiencing right now.

With all the growth it could make culinary water and sewer systems problems. Some of these needed to be upgraded or make capable to handle all the new people. Along with that always goes taxes. I firmly believe that as the state grows the tax rates have to change. What was once farm ground is now covered in houses, so the value goes up. I firmly believe that before we cut or add more taxes, we need to have a plan in how to cut or expand where the revenue goes. If it doesn’t make sense, it is not good.

GARNER: Idaho is the fastest growing state in the United States. This will become an increasing problem as we try to balance the growth with the rural values that we wish to keep. I am sure however that Idahoans can rise to this challenge and find a solution that is equitable and satisfactory to all concerned.

This growth compounds the challenge that we have with water and where to use it. It also puts burdens on are infrastructure of roads, bridges, and schools.

With growth comes opportunities we need to just be wise enough to take the opportunities and use them to benefit the challenges that we are facing along with the new ones that will come.

How do we do this, you might ask. I don’t know, but we start by talking and working together to come up with the best solutions for Idaho not our selves.

How will you best represent the views of your constituents – even those with differing political views?

WORKMAN: As a commissioner I listened to all sides of the differences that people have. We can only learn when we listen and take the best information we can get and make the best decision on the information we are given. Everyone has a brain, and some people really put a lot of thought and energy into what they believe. I feel that all the residents of my county, district, and state have a vested interest in the decisions that are made in Boise. I like to hear all sides. Knowledge is power, and the more we get it makes us a better representative of the people.

GARNER: I will start by listening to all views and opinions. To find the best solutions we must consider all options. This being said, when it comes to decide how to move forward, I will do what I think is best for Idaho and my district as a whole, not myself, or any special interest group. Those that know me best know this to be true and I have proved it in the past by the decisions I have made on the various boards and committees I have served on. We must work together for betterment of Idaho.

What role do lobbying entities play in the decision-making of Idaho legislators?

WORKMAN: Lobbyists are an important aspect to government. Sure they have they clients interests to protect, but sometimes that helps us learn about what is important to others. All I know is that it is important to be careful with whom we align ourselves. Research and question with boldness. Don’t be afraid to ask them the hard questions. If it doesn’t feel right it isn’t.

GARNER: I see lobbying entities as parties that can help legislators reach the best solution. They can bring insight to problems, or information to legislators of how some piece of legislation might have unexpected consequences that they haven’t thought of. As with everything there is good and bad.

Often this isn’t the case. We also see them exerting undo force to get what they want, or what is best for their client. We see legislators more worried about getting reelected than doing what is best. This is the nature of the beast some would say.

There are great Lobbyist out there who also want what’s best for Idaho. I have meet many of them. I choose to believe we can do better; I know that we can rise above this, and all be are best. If we can do this, I know we can solve some amazing problems with the best results possible, guiding Idaho into an amazing future.

How can you encourage compromise, debate and a bipartisan approach to introducing new legislation in Idaho?

WORKMAN: As far as being able to compromise and debate an issue, I feel that we need to go in with an open mind. Don’t think that you or I know the best solution for everything. To be able to make our state better talk to others and be open minded. Good will prevail. I know that there are good people out there, no matter of their political views.

GARNER: As I have said above, I think just the act of being willing to listen and exchange ideas will go along way. Why can’t we ask someone else with a different viewpoint what they think of some piece of legislation without being a traitor to the cause. Just because you ask doesn’t mean you’re going to change your thinking, but you might come up with an idea that will make the bill better or more appeasing for all. If you don’t, what is lost, a few minutes of your day? After all, isn’t that why we’re there?

What parts of Idaho government could benefit from additional state funding? What part of Idaho government could be improved with financial cutbacks?

WORKMAN: One area that would benefit with additional funding will always be schools, but to make a decision on where to expand or cut needs to done in a thoughtful way. I’ve heard a lot of discussion about where people want to cut. But before we cut let’s decide where spending will be cut, or where the added tax burden may go. I don’t want to create another tax because one was cut.

GARNER: I would like to see more funding go to education and our infrastructure. I can’t say what part of government would be improved with financial cut backs, but I can say If we find where a private company can do a job more efficiently and more economically than a government program or agency we should seriously look at moving it to the private sector.