Person firing cap gun prompted lockdown at Driggs elementary school - East Idaho News

Person firing cap gun prompted lockdown at Driggs elementary school

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DRIGGS – The Rendezvous Upper Elementary School in Driggs initiated a “soft lockdown” Friday after students and staff heard what they thought were gunshots fired near school property.

“During fourth grade recess, students reported seeing a car drive by the playground, waving what appeared to be a gun and shooting in the air,” school principal Kristen Weston wrote to parents in an email Friday. “We responded immediately, pulling all students inside where we remained until receiving notification from the police department who worked swiftly to investigate the situation. The culprits were caught and the individual had fired a cap gun.”

Public Information Officer Mitch Golden with the Teton County Sheriff’s Office said Saturday morning that deputies determined the incident had no malicious intent and there was no threat to the school or students. The incident did not occur on school grounds.

“This was a poorly thought out action which could have had more serious consequences,” Golden said. “The incident is still under review and no charges have been filed.”

Golden said school officials did not request any additional security measures inside the school. Deputies responded just before noon Friday and remained around the school’s area for more than two and half hours.

Weston explained in the parent email that a “soft lockdown” is when the school maintains “normal activities inside,” while on a security alert. The district’s safety protocols available online do not define soft lockdowns, but adds that each school does tailor safety procedures specific to the variety of schools in the district.

“While it’s a relief that the individuals were caught and that the situation wasn’t more serious, it certainly doesn’t diminish the sincere scare put into some of our fourth-grade friends,” wrote Weston. “Our staff did a tremendous job of leading a “soft lockdown” as they kept their own composure and reassured students.”

This was Teton 401’s first week of school. Rendezvous Upper Elementary School is located in Driggs and holds grades four and five. A link to the district’s school safety protocols may be found here.