Man pleads not guilty after allegedly smearing mortar on woman's face and putting officer in headlock - East Idaho News
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Man pleads not guilty after allegedly smearing mortar on woman’s face and putting officer in headlock

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ST. ANTHONY – A man pleaded not guilty after allegedly smearing a woman with mortar and trying to hurt an officer.

Nathan Matthews, 34, pled not guilty on Dec. 13 to felony battery on a law enforcement officer, felony assault or battery, felony destruction of evidence, felony possession of a controlled substance, misdemeanor assault, misdemeanor resisting arrest, and misdemeanor battery.

On Nov. 11, a woman told the St. Anthony Police Department that Matthews was “high on meth, destroying (her) property, making her feel unsafe and (the woman was) afraid that he might hurt her,” according to court documents.

Police and Fremont County Sheriff’s deputies responded.

When they arrived, Matthews was sitting in the driver’s seat of a truck in the driveway, and the woman was sitting in the garage.

The woman told officers Matthews had been working in the garage when he started “acting erratically.”

Matthews allegedly “smeared some of the mortar he was using at the time on her face and sweater,” according to the police report.

Mortar is a workable paste used to bind building blocks such as stones, bricks and concrete.

The woman said she felt unsafe because Matthews was “speaking erratically and forcefully.”

When officers tried to handcuff Matthews, he reportedly interlocked his hands on the back of his neck, and would not allow them to handcuff him.

After trying to take Matthews to the ground to restrain him, Matthews jumped up and “took a swing” before grabbing an officer by the back of the head and shoving him into the ground.

According to court documents, Matthews was “cradling (the officer’s) head and reaching for (the officer’s) service weapon.”

Another officer tased Matthews and asked him to comply with their commands. After refusing to comply and ripping off the taser wires, Matthews was tased two more times after attempts to get him to lie on his stomach were unsuccessful.

Officers continued to tell Matthews to get on the ground, to which he replied, “You first.”

Matthews reached into his pockets, and officers drew their guns, according to court documents. More law enforcement arrived, telling Matthews to put his hands behind his back and walk toward them, but Matthews refused, trying to walk away.

One warned Matthews he would get a bean bag round if he did not listen to their commands. A bean bag round is a type of baton round fired from a shotgun. It is used for less lethal apprehension of suspects.

After continually being asked to place his hands behind his back and not complying, Matthews was sprayed with pepper spray and shot at using a bean bag round, but it is not clear if he was hit.

Matthews then ran into the garage, with the officers following. He was then taken to the ground but continued to struggle with them.

After finally being handcuffed, an officer saw Matthews had a gun magazine in his hands and was still trying to pull away.

Matthews attempted to kick the officers as they tried to place him in a patrol vehicle, so a spit mask was placed over his head, restraints were placed on his feet and officers got him into the car.

At the jail, Matthews allegedly took a pipe out of his shirt pocket and put it in his pants. He then took it out of his pants and used it as a straw for his cup of water.

After he was done drinking the water, he took the pipe out of the cup and threw the cup across the room. The cup shattered.

Officers swabbed the broken pipe to test it for drugs, and it came back positive for meth.

Matthews was then booked into the Fremont County Jail, and a bond was set to $60,000. A jury trial is scheduled for Matthews on March 9 with District Judge Steven Boyce.

Though Matthews has been charged with these crimes, it does not necessarily mean he committed them. Everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven guilty.

If convicted, Matthews could face up to 24 years in prison.