Newlywed paralyzed two weeks after wedding gets surprise from a Secret Santa - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Newlywed paralyzed two weeks after wedding gets surprise from a Secret Santa

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season. Every day, from now until the end of the year, we will post videos of the recipients being surprised with these life-changing gifts.

Kaden and Whitney were married in June. They were so in love and excited to begin their journey as husband and wife.

Kaden was employed as a police officer in American Falls and Whitney was working at the county jail. Two weeks after their wedding, they went out riding dirt bikes near Heise Recreation Area. Kaden was involved in a terrible accident and airlifted to EIRMC.

He had broken his C6 Vertebrae and was left as a quadriplegic. He spent 15 days at EIRMC in the ICU so he could be stable enough to be transferred to a hospital in Salt Lake City.

Kaden spent the next three months at a rehab center learning all he could about living life as a C6 quadriplegic. On Oct. 7, he was finally released but could not return to his home in American Falls.

Because of the amount of care Kaden must receive daily, the decision was made to move in with his in-laws. They, along with Whitney, have gone above and beyond trying their hardest to meet all of Kaden’s needs, however, their home is not handicap accessible.

They have recently been forced to start a remodeling project to make the home accessible for Kaden. They currently are not able to use their bathroom because of the construction, so they go to the barn to shower.

Just when you think this is more than any newly married couple must have to go, Whitney was out working with horses recently when she was kicked by one of them. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital where it was discovered she had lacerations on her liver and kidney.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to visit Kaden and Whitney with a Christmas gift. Watch the surprise in the video player above.

watch Secret Santa videos