Local trio charged with multiple crimes including trafficking meth, injury to a child - East Idaho News
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Local trio charged with multiple crimes including trafficking meth, injury to a child

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POCATELLO — Two men and a woman were arrested as part of a multi-state drug sting operation after they were found in possession of methamphetamine and fentanyl while traveling with a baby.

Damien Marshall McIntosh, 39, Thomas Joel Schooley, 38, and Kateland Alex Jean Mooney, 28, have each been charged with a felony for trafficking methamphetamine, court records show. Additionally, McIntosh has been charged with felonies for possession of fentanyl and destroying or concealing evidence. Mooney has been charged with felony injury to a child.

Their arrests were part of an investigation involving the Oregon-Idaho High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) task force into high drug traffic areas.

While surveilling an area known to be high in drug activity on Jan. 31, Pocatello police and members of the HIDTA drug task force followed a vehicle with four occupants. Three of the four occupants were adults — two of which, Schooley and McIntosh, were known to observing officers.

The officers followed the vehicle to a nearby residence, according to an affidavit of probable cause. McIntosh went inside the residence for approximately four minutes before exiting.

Officers surrounded the vehicle before it could leave. All four occupants were removed from the vehicle.

Officers looked inside the vehicle and found three suspected fentanyl pills “in plain view.” Further search of the vehicle yielded a total of nine suspected fentanyl pills scattered on the floorboard consistent with the occupants “attempting to hide or destroy the pills,” the affidavit says.

The officers also found a rubber canister containing 81.6 grams of a crystalline substance which was later tested and returned a presumptive positive for methamphetamine. “A small amount” of marijuana was also found and seized for destruction, the affidavit says.

Officers sent the suspected fentanyl and meth to the Idaho State Police Forensics Lab for analysis.

During an interview with detectives, Schooley allegedly said that he had been “fronted” four ounces of meth — around $1,500 in value — a few days prior and was in the process of selling it. He said that he had sold to three or four people so far, the affidavit says. He told detectives that he and the other three occupants were heading to the home of a fentanyl supplier McIntosh knew.

McIntosh declined questioning and Mooney “appeared to be too under the influence for an interview,”” the affidavit says.

Detectives determined that, given the number of short duration stops made by the vehicle and the meth being easily accessible and in plain view, probable cause existed to arrest both men for trafficking.

Additionally, McIntosh was charged for the possession of fentanyl and destruction of evidence.

Mooney, the driver of the vehicle, was also charged with trafficking meth. She was also charged with injury to a child for having the meth “within six inches of where her baby was located,” the affidavit says. The fentanyl officers discovered was within 12 inches of the 2-month-old baby, the affidavit adds.

Though McIntosh and Schooley have thus far not been charged with injury to a child, investigating officers have requested the Bannock County Prosecutor’s Office add that charge to both.

All three were booked into Bannock County Jail. Mooney posted a $10,000 bond on Feb. 3. Schooley and McIntosh are being held on bonds of $50,000 apiece.

Though Schooley, McIntosh and Mooney have been charged with these crimes, it does not necessarily mean they committed them. Everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven guilty.

If they are found guilty, each could face as much as life in prison.

All three are scheduled to appear in court for separate preliminary hearings on Feb. 15.