DAY 12 | LIVE UPDATES: Detectives testify about Lori Vallow's movements the morning her husband was killed - East Idaho News
DAY 12

DAY 12 | LIVE UPDATES: Detectives testify about Lori Vallow’s movements the morning her husband was killed

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3:24 p.m. Smith has no further questions for April Raymond. Raymond is excused from her subpoena and witness testimony is done for the day. I’ll break everything down tonight at 7:30 p.m. on ‘Courtroom Insider.’ Join me on my Facebook page or the YouTube channel.

3:22 p.m. Archibald is finished with cross-examination. Rachel Smith is following up with questions. She asks who was in Lori’s podcast group. Raymond says Gibb, Zulema Pastenes, Jason Mow, Thor and Chad Daybell.

3:21 p.m. Raymond says she had never met Melanie Gibb before this Hawaii visit. She says Gibb and Lori were on the same page concerning their new beliefs. Raymond says it was a “subtly grooming” to get reaction and could “feel their ultimate goal was to include me.” Raymond was not interested.

3:20 p.m. Archibald asks if the kids were taught about Jesus. “Yes.” Were they taught that Jesus was good. “Yes.” Were they taught Jesus healed sick people. “Yes.” Were they taught Jesus cast out evil spirits. “Perhaps. I don’t recall specifically.” Were they taught simple lessons about the love of God and how we need to be good people. “Yes.”

3:20 p.m. Archibald asks Raymond what she and Lori taught to the primary children in 2016-2017. Raymond says they taught scriptures, Lori did a lot of musical activities and holiday parties along with the Sunday services.

3:17 p.m. Raymond asked Lori why she started to change her beliefs. Lori responded that she experienced things in the temple that had changed her life and she found a group of like-minded people who had similar experiences. Raymond told Lori she didn’t believe this.

3:16 p.m. Archibald asks a light and dark scale. Raymond says Lori spoke with her about that in 2019 at Raymond’s home. Raymond said it was an unusual teaching that they had never talked about when Lori lived in Hawaii in 2016. Lori told Raymond in 2019 that she was a goddess. Raymond said she tried to not react and just listen to her.

3:15 p.m. Raymond says she did not believe in multiple lives/probations and the church Lori and Raymond attended together did not teach this. Raymond did not hear anything about zombies in 2018 but Lori talked about it in 2019. It was a new teaching.

3:14 p.m. Raymond says Lori’s beliefs about Jesus started to change a little when Lori visited Hawaii in July 2018. In 2019, the beliefs were more amplified than before.

3:13 p.m. Archibald asks Raymond if she noticed a change in Lori’s belief system between the time Lori served in the primary and the time she visited Hawaii in 2019. Raymond says her belief system changed because of a group she had recently become a part of.

3:12 p.m. Smith has no further questions for Raymond. Archibald will be conducting cross-examination.

3:10 p.m. Raymond says the first night Lori stayed with her, Lori said she had been appointed the leader of the 144,000 and she was in Hawaii to “gather” Raymond. She wanted Raymond to join her and she would need to be separated from her children because “she had fulfilled her role in their lives” and Raymond had a great mission to now fulfill. Lori told Raymond to leave the kids with their father.

3:07 p.m. During a lunch at Calypso, Lori said Charles had sent an email to her family pleading for help. Lori showed Raymond the email and asked her not to respond to Charles if he reached out. During a dinner with Lori and Melanie Gibb, Lori told Raymond about Charles being on a business trip. Lori said she discovered evidence of him having an affair so she canceled his flight and credit card and moved his truck from the airport parking lot.

3:06 p.m. Lori left Raymond’s house and went to the Kauai Beach Resort. Melanie Gibb joined Lori in Hawaii and the three women went out for lunch and a few evenings for dinner. Tylee was back in Arizona working at her aunt’s chiropractic clinic. Raymond never saw JJ.

3:04 p.m. Raymond says later in the week, Lori told Raymond that Charles did not know she was in Hawaii. Lori said if Charles reached out, don’t tell him where she was. Lori said Charles hired a private investigator who was following her and she had told Charles she was going to Idaho for a conference. She thought that Charles was going to serve her with divorce papers.

3:03 p.m. Raymond took “done with JJ” to mean that because Lori and Charles were getting a divorce, Charles would need to take care of JJ because Lori wasn’t going to care for him anymore. Lori said “Charles was already dead and a demon was using his body as a host. The demon’s name was Ned Schneider.” When asked how she knew he wasn’t Charles, Lori said, “He’s shorter.”

3:02 p.m. Lori told Raymond that Charles had an affair, he was no longer Charles and that he had turned into a demon named Ned Schneider. Lori said they were getting a divorce. Tylee was with Lori but JJ was with Charles. Lori told Raymond she didn’t bring JJ because “she was done with him” and Charles and Kay would need to figure it out.

3 p.m. Lori and Charles eventually moved from Hawaii but in Feb. 2019, the weekend before Valentine’s Day, Raymond unexpectedly received a call from Lori. Lori said she was in Hawaii with Tylee and that Lori was leaving Charles. Lori reached out again saying they needed a place to stay. Lori and Tylee went to stay with Raymond.

3 p.m. Raymond says she knew Charles Vallow. He worked from home a lot. Raymond would visit Lori at their home and Charles was a constant presence. Lori and Raymond got together a few times a week. They would go on walks, Lori would color Raymond’s hair, they would shop and planned activities for the kids at church.

2:57 p.m. Rachel Smith is asking questions. Raymond lives in Hawaii and has two children. She says they met at church in Hawaii in 2016. They were introduced at church. Lori was the primary president and she asked Raymond to be one of her counselors. They were friends outside of church, celebrated holidays together and their kids played together.

2:56 p.m. Boyce says there is no evidence that Raymond violated the exclusionary rules and she will be able to remain on the stand. Jurors are brought in. Lori has been looking at her former friend but I have not seen Raymond looks at Lori once.

2:53 p.m. Archibald asks Raymond if she has been contacted by reporters about doing interviews. She says she has given them the directive from the prosector’s office that she can not participate in any interviews at this time without the promise of any future interviews.

2:52 p.m. Witnesses were told not to watch any stories or read anything about the trial. Archibald asks Raymond about the comments she read on the story. She says in general it was about the LDS Church’s influence on the trial.

2:50 p.m. Raymond says she watched about two minutes of the interview but turned it off. She says the story had nothing to do with the case or interviews. Raymond says she read some of the comments on the story.

2:48 p.m. An issue is being discussed outside of the presence of the jury because Raymond received a Facebook message showing an interview Justin Lum did with Lori Daybell’s cousin.

2:48 p.m. Next witness called to the stand is April Raymond. She was very good friends with Lori Daybell in Hawaii.
april raymond

2:43 p.m. We are back from the break. John Prior is sitting in front of me and just leaned over the court sketch artist. He jokingly asked that when she sketches him she make him 30 lbs. lighter and younger.

2:22 p.m. Blake says she has no further questions for Ynclan. The detective is excused. Boyce calls for an afternoon break.

2:17 p.m. Blake asks Ynclan if arrests are normally made on the day an investigation begins. Ynclan responds, “Generally, no. It depends on the totality of the investigation” and other factors. Blake asks to approach the judge with defense attorneys.

2:15 p.m. Blake has further questions for the detective. She asks Ynclan if she is aware of whether Alex Cox is alive. Ynclan says she is aware Alex Cox is deceased. Blake says, “If Alex Cox was still alive, do you believe your agency would have made a recommendation that charges be filed?” Archibald objects to the question. Boyce grants the objection.

2:13 p.m. Archibald asks Ynclan if there is a correct or incorrect way to act “when your estranged husband is shot.” She responds that she doesn’t know if there is a correct way to react to any death but it left an impression on Ynclan about how unemotional Lori was. Archibald says he has no further questions.

2:12 p.m. We are back from sidebar. Archibald asks Ynclan if she arrested Alex Cox on July 11, 2019. She says she did not. Archibald asks Ynclan if the argument reported between Charles and Tylee and Lori and Alex was consistent among all the interviews. Ynclan says it is consistent.

2:08 p.m. Archibald asks if Alex Cox was ever arrested. Before Ynclan can answer, Blake asks if attorneys can approach and meet with Boyce. We are now in a sidebar conference as white noise plays overhead.

2:07 p.m. Archibald will cross-examine Ynclan. He asks if the interviews with Lori and Tylee were recorded. She says they were. Archibald asks if she watched the tapes to help her remember the interviews. Ynclan says partially, yes.

2:04 p.m. Once Ynclan was done interviewing Lori, the detective conducted an interview with Tylee. Det. Moffitt was interviewing Alex at the same time. When all their interviews were done, the detectives took the group back to the house. Lori was very calm during the entirety of the car ride. “She was very nonchalant about what had happened, not upset, and there was some chatter about Tylee, school and mundane conversation.” Blake has no further questions for Ynclan.

2:02 p.m. Lori told Ynclan that after she left the house, Alex called her. She told Alex she was taking JJ to school and Alex needed to call 911. There is no indication that Lori ever called 911.

2:01 p.m. Charles’ phone was eventually recovered from Lori and Alex in Charles’ rental car. Lori told Ynclan they left the house, went to get chicken fries and Sprite at Burger King for JJ, took him to school and then returned to the house.

2 p.m. Lori told Tylee to go outside with JJ. Lori moved into the kitchen where she said she could hear what was going on but could not see when Alex fired one gunshot. She then went back into the room and saw Charles on the floor. Lori said she then went outside where JJ was coming back toward the house. Lori put JJ in the car and they left with Tylee to take JJ to school.

1:59 p.m. Tylee came out of her room with a bat and Lori said Tylee was “prodding” at Charles in defense of Lori. Charles ended up taking the bat from Tylee. Lori said Charles was “extremely angry” and Alex then interceded behind Charles. Alex grabbed Charles and pulled him backward. A physical altercation ensued, according to Lori.

1:56 p.m. Lori told Ynclan she had asked her brother Alex to spend the night at the house because Charles was coming. Lori said when Charles came back in the house, Lori was holding the phone. She indicated that Charles became very upset that she had his phone and she made “statements to him about messages on the phone.” She says he became very angry and was moving around the kitchen to keep the phone while an argument started. Lori refused to give Charles the phone.

1:55 p.m. Ynclan says that Lori told her Charles arrived at the house a few minutes late and she had JJ ready for school with his backpack. She described JJ as being “reluctant” to go with Charles but they got JJ settled to leave for school. Lori said that Charles left his phone in the house with JJ outside and Charles came back inside to retrieve his phone.

1:51 p.m. Lori told Ynclan about JJ’s special needs care, his services plan and everything involved to take care of him. She said Charles didn’t have those services or support for JJ in Houston. If you want to watch Lori’s interview with Ynclan, here it is:

1:50 p.m. Lori told Ynclan that Charles had been renting the home and they were separated. She told Ynclan Charles had been living in Houston and Lori went out there but she returned to Arizona. At one point in the interview, she said Charles took JJ back to Houston with him and she allowed that to happen.

1:49 p.m. Many of the jurors are taking notes during the detective’s testimony. Lori is also taking notes.

1:47 p.m. Ynclan was assigned to do follow-up, extensive interviews with Lori Vallow and Tylee Ryan. The interviews were not done on scene but Ynclan drove Lori and Tylee back to the police station in the family advocacy center. Ynclan says they try not to talk on the way to the police station to preserve the information for interviews but on the car ride, Ynclan says Lori was calm and not upset. Lori spoke with Tylee about school and her future plans. “She was almost nonchalant about the conversation.”

1:45 p.m. When Ynclan first observed Lori and Tylee, they were standing near Charles’ rental car. “She appeared calm, very non-emotional, was kind of hanging out and having general conversations. She was not really upset and at one point she was laughing.”

1:44 p.m. Ynclan was with Lori when a sergeant informed Lori that Charles was dead. “She didn’t have much of a reaction. When she was informed that Charles was deceased, she responded that she already knew and made statements that she was present when it happened. This was new information to detectives.”

1:43 p.m. Ynclan recalls going over to chat with Lori and Tylee at the scene. She moved them to the care/crisis response unit van that is run by the fire department. Ynclan learned Lori was the wife of the victim and sister of the shooter.

1:41 p.m. Archibald objects to the detective’s testimony as he says this case is not an Arizona case. Boyce overrules the objection. Ynclan was working the morning Charles Vallow was shot. She arrived at the home after patrol officers had established a secure area. Additional investigators were called and given assignments.

1:38 p.m. Next witness is Det. Sandra Ynclan with the Chandler Police Department. She has been working for the department for 22 years and is a detective in the robbery/homicide unit. She’s been in the unit since 2009.

1:33 p.m. Archibald asks who else was in the car with Lori at Burger King. Werther says he is not sure but there was someone in the passenger seat, according to the surveillance video. Werther says he understood two people were with Lori – presumably JJ and Tylee. Archibald has no further questions for Werther.

1:32 p.m. Archibald will cross-examine Werther. He asks the detective who made the 911. Werther responds that Alex Cox made the call. Werther says he never spoke with Alex but other officers did.

1:30 p.m. When police arrived at Charles Vallow’s house, they never saw his phone and it was never recovered on his body. Blake has no further questions.

1:30 p.m. Lori visited Walgreens around 8:15 a.m. on the morning of the shooting. Charles Vallow’s phone was in the area of Lauren’s Life Academy around 8:30 a.m. Remember – the 911 call came in at 8:36 a.m. Lori appears back at the scene of the shooting at 8:48 a.m.

1:27 p.m. Werther analyzed location data on Charles Vallow’s phone, which Lori apparently took with her after Charles was shot. The data shows Lori stopped at Walgreens, not CVS, and recorded her visit to Burger King.

1:25 p.m. Werther says a few days later, he visited several CVS stores as they received information that Lori went to buy flip-flops for JJ who had left the house without shoes. He was unable to find any video of Lori at any CVS.

1:23 p.m. JJ attended school at Lauren’s Life Academy. Werther says he evaluated the most direct route from the house to the school. It is about 7-8 miles. The 911 call came in at 8:36 a.m. The first officer was on scene at 8:42 a.m. He captured Lori on camera at 8:48 a.m. back at the scene. Werther says it doesn’t seem plausible that she could have driven back and forth to school with the stops in that short amount of time.

1:22 p.m. A map is shown on the screen. Werther points out the locations where Lori stopped the morning of the shooting – Walgreens (which he says Lori never mentioned and police learned about later), Burger King and JJ’s school.

1:18 p.m. Werther called Lori and she told the detective that she took JJ to school after the shooting and they stopped at Burger King on the way. Werther obtained surveillance video from Burger King. Lori’s vehicle at the drive-thru clocked at 7:54 a.m. You can see the video here.

1:16 p.m. Werther was working on July 11 when police received a call for a shooting. He was actually on the sex assault unit at the time but responded to the scene. The next day, he spoke with Det. Moffitt and Werther was assigned to call Lori Vallow as nobody had obtained information about JJ because he was present at the scene during the initial investigation.

1:14 p.m. Boyce is back on the bench. Blake asks to show the witness the exhibit. Archibald says he objects as Lori isn’t being tried in Idaho for anything that happened in Arizona. Boyce overrules the objection. Werther says he created the Powerpoint and Boyce allows the presentation in.

1:07 p.m. Judge asks for a sidebar with attorneys. White noise is played then Boyce leaves the courtroom.

1:06 p.m. Blake asks to admit a 7-page Powerpoint presentation to review with Werther on the stand.

1:03 p.m. Detective Ariel Werther is called to the stand. He worked for the Chandler Police Department and is assigned to the robbery/homicide unit. He’s been a detective since 2016. He has been with his unit since 2020.

1:01 p.m. Once Cowden stopped CPR, he had blood on his gloves. He says had someone performed CPR before him, there would have been blood on their hands. Blake has no further questions. Archibald has no further questions as he already objected to the entirety of the testimony. Cowden is dismissed.

12:58 p.m. Cowden assessed and evaluated Charles’ body. He found blood on Charles’ shirt and observed two gunshot wounds. Cowden pulled up Charles’ shirt and began CPR. “We were led to believe CPR had started prior to our arrival communicating with dispatch. We were led to believe the caller, the shooter, had started CPR.” Cowden says if CPR had been performed, there likely would have been injuries or an impression on Charles’ chest. Cowden did not see this. He started his impressions and he felt a “crunch” or “crack” – likely cracking of a rib or sternum. If someone had been performing CPR, Cowden would not have expected to feel that “crunch.”

12:57 p.m. Cowden responded to the Chandler house the day Charles Vallow was shot. July 11, 2019. He says he and other firefighters entered the house and found Charles lying on the floor on his back unconscious.

12:56 p.m. Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake is questioning Cowden. Archibald objects to having the witness questioned – says his client is not on trial in Idaho for anything that happened in Arizona. This Idaho law 404b issue was brought up earlier this year in front of Boyce. He overrules the objection today.

12:54 p.m. Cowden is a firefighter with the Chandler, Arizona Fire Department. He is a fire engineer and paramedic.

12:51 p.m. Prosecution calls Scott Cowden to the stand.

12:49 p.m. Here is a sketch of Michael Douglass on the stand this morning.

04 19 2023 01 Witness FBI ForensicAccountant Michael Douglass

12:46 p.m. Extra long lunch break today. We are back in the courtroom. All attorneys and Lori Daybell are here. Waiting on the judge and jury. John Prior, Chad’s attorney, is also in the courtroom this afternoon.

11:20 a.m. We are having an early lunch. Court resumes at 12:30.

11:19 a.m. Jim Archibald says he has no questions for Douglass. He is dismissed from the witness stand but Rawlings says they may call him at a later date.

11:16 a.m. Douglass says tickets were purchased to Knotts Berry Farm right after Tammy died. Rawlings has no further questions for Douglass.

11:15 a.m. Douglass says during the search of the Chad’s property between 9:50-10 am, there were there transfers of $8,000 each from Chad’s Mountain America bank account to three of his kids. The transfers occurred as officers were searching his grounds. Around $4,400 was left in the account.

11:14 a.m. *Three transfers.

11:12 a.m. Douglass says Chad filed life insurance claims within days of Tammy’s death. He attempted to refinance his house on Oct. 8, 2019. Life insurance payouts were deposited into Chad’s account on Nov. 1 and Nov. 16.

11:11 a.m. Tammy’s life insurance increase was requested Sept. 8, 2019. Douglass says after Tammy died, Chad made most large purchases including a family trip to Knott’s Berry Farm.

11:10 a.m. Douglass reviews a timeline for the jury and mentions several flights Lori bought for Chad using her credit cards. Alex also purchased flights for Chad.

11:08 a.m. Chad bought a phone at the Rexburg Walmart on Sept. 18, 2019. That’s the same day Lori received SS funds, according to Douglass.

11:04 a.m. When asked what Douglass found on Chad Daybell’s bank accounts, he says, “it was more of what I didn’t find.” He references the flight purchases for Chad. They were made with Lori’s accounts.

11:03 a.m. Douglass says Lori made multiple attempts to purchase malachite rings on her accounts. As he says this, Lori is taking notes at the defense table.

11:02 a.m. JJ’s SS funds started getting paid into Lori’s account in Sept. 2019. He was receiving them because his dad had died.

11:00 a.m. Venmo noted failed attempts to transfer funds on Lori’s account in 2019. A new account on Tylee’s Venmo was added on Sept. 10 and used until the end of 2019.

10:59 a.m. Douglass shown an exhibit displaying Venmo activity. Lori had two Venmo accounts with multiple funding sources that changed between banks during 2018 and 2019.

10:51 a.m. The jury sees a document showing deposits made to Lori’s BBVA bank account a month after JJ and Tylee died. Tylee’s payments were Oct. 23 , Nov. 27, Dec. 24 (all 2019) and Jan. 22, 2020. JJ’s were Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 18 (all 2019) and Jan. 15, 2020.

10:50 a.m. Douglass runs through a timeline of key events in Lori’s life during 2019. Lori’s payments were Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 18 (all 2019) and Jan. 15, 2020.

10:46 a.m. The jury sees a document showing deposits made to Lori’s BBVA bank account a month after JJ and Tylee died. Tylee’s payments were on Oct. 23 , Nov. 27, Dec. 24 (all 2019) and Jan. 22, 2020. JJ’s were on Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 18 (all 2019) and Jan. 15, 2020. Lori’s payments were on Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 18 (all 2019) and Jan. 15, 2020.

10:45 a.m. Douglass runs through a timeline of JJ from the time Charles died to the time JJ died.

10:44 a.m. JJ’s SS funds started getting paid into Lori’s account in Sept. 2019. He was receiving them because his dad had died.

10:41 a.m. Douglass says the final payment on the Jeep stopped on Sept. 1, 2019 because of lack of funds in Tylee’s account.

10:40 a.m. Back in the courtroom. Jurors are being brought in. Douglass remains on the stand.

10:14 a.m. Time for a mid-morning break. We will be back in 20 minutes.

10:12 a.m. “I found through my research on Sept. 8 that Colby had requested Tylee to send him a Venmo payment. Tylee responded back that she did not have the funds in her account and that Ms. Daybell was receiving them,” Douglass says. Also on that date, Chad Daybell searched the wind direction of south/southwest.

10:09 a.m. Douglass says Lori held a $2 million life insurance policy. On Aug. 12, she changed the policy so her son Colby was the only beneficiary. On Aug. 14, Lori wrote on her apartment application that she was receiving $5,740 a month from Social Security funds. On Aug. 16, Tylee’s SS benefits were changed to go to Lori’s bank account rather than Tylee’s. On Aug. 19, Tylee’s BBVA joint bank account with her mom was opened. On Aug. 31, Lori and the kids moved to Rexburg.

10:06 a.m. Douglass says Joe Ryan held a life insurance policy. Death benefits of $60,000 were paid into a bank account held by Lori Vallow on Aug. 26, 2018.

10:04 a.m. “Tylee was responsible with her money. I never saw her have one negative balance,” Douglass says. She had two automatic payments set up — her Jeep and T-mobile accounts. The money she received following Joe Ryan’s death went into the Chase account.

10:01 a.m. Rawlings shows Douglass Tylee’s JP Morgan Chase and BBVA accounts beginning Jan. 1, 2019. There are around 70 transactions a month on Chase, with most of them being made at brick-and-mortar accounts. Over time, activity shifts to the BBVA account.

10 a.m. Douglass is shown Lori Vallow’s BBVA bank statements. He says he has worked with Mark Saari, the Social Security Administration agent who testified yesterday.

9:58 a.m. I have been misspelling Michael Douglass’ last name. He has two s’s – not one. My apologies. He is a forensic accountant with the FBI.

9:57 a.m. Douglass has another prepared document detailing Venmo activity.

9:56 a.m. Next exhibit is a timeline detailing Tammy Daybell’s life insurance policy.

9:54 a.m. There’s also a timeline Douglass calls “the grand theft timeline” that he prepared to help the jury understand the financial information he learned through his investigation.

9:52 a.m. Douglass wrote the dates the kids were killed on the timelines. Archibald asks him if he determined those dates or if they were told to him. Douglass says they were told to him. Archibald asks if the rest of the dates on the timelines are correct. Douglas says they are.

9:51 a.m. Next exhibit is a timeline related to JJ from Charles Vallow’s death moving forward.

9:50 a.m. Rawlings asks Douglass to explain the first exhibit that will be admitted. It’s a timeline he prepared relating to Tylee’s life from when her father, Joseph Ryan, passed away.

9:48 a.m. Tammy Daybell has a brother named Michael Douglas but this is not him testifying. It’s another Mike Douglass.

9:47 a.m. Douglass is a forensic accountant with the FBI. He reviewed bank accounts associated with Lori and Tylee.

9:42 a.m. Douglass is sworn in and takes the stand. He’s wearing a white shirt with red tie and blue suit.

9:40 a.m. Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tawyna Rawlings will be questioning Douglass. She says several documents will be admitted into evidence during his testimony.

9:37 a.m. Mike Douglass will be the next witness, but it appears he is not here. Rob Wood leaves the courtroom to try and track him down. Rachel Smith and Lindsey Blake have joined prosecutors at their table.

9:36 a.m. Wood has concluded his questioning of Det. Kunsaitis. Jim Archibald says he has reviewed all the documents and has no questions for Kunsaitis. The detective will be called again to discuss other items pertaining to the investigation, Wood says.

9:32 a.m. Next document is from Etsy. It shows that on Aug. 15, 2019, Lori Vallow ordered a glow-in-the-dark malachite titanium ring. The email on the order was and the shipping address was to a home on Four Peaks Place in Chandler, Arizona. The credit card Lori used for the order was declined.

9:28 a.m. Allegiant Air records are now being shown. There were no flights recorded for JJ and Tylee, but multiple flights were taken between Mesa/Phoenix and Idaho Falls for Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow and Melani Boudreaux in 2019.

9:26 a.m. Next exhibit shows Southwest Airlines records. JJ had six trips between Phoenix and Houston. His last trip was on June 16, 2019. No flights were found for Tylee Ryan.

9:15 a.m. While we are on a brief break, I’ll post this chart showing Lori’s family tree. Our graphic designer Alex put this together.

Family tree fixed

9:12 a.m. As Kunsaitis is presenting this evidence, Lori is taking notes in court and chatting with her attorneys. Jurors seemed focused on the testimony, although I have seen a few yawns. They are allowed coffee, water and drinks but no food in the courtroom. Attorneys are now meeting in a sidebar conference.

9:11 a.m. Kunsaitis says on Oct. 23, the day of Tammy Daybell’s funeral, Lori flew from Hawaii to Phoenix. She then flew to Idaho Falls.

9:09 a.m. Flight records from American Airlines are being submitted for evidence. Kunsaitis says there is flight information for Tylee and Lori. Tylee flew to Hawaii twice = in February and March of 2019. Lori flew multiple times with American. There are no flight records for JJ.

9:07 a.m. We are now viewing an email Lori sent to her accountant. She explains to the accountant that Charles Vallow died and she wanted information about how to forward tax returns to her new address. The email is dated Sept. 9, 2019 at 5:03 p.m. Kunsaitis says Tylee was killed Sept. 8 or 9 — so the email was sent “hours after we believe Tylee was buried in the backyard.”

9:05 a.m. Next document is a letter from the Arizona Department of Prescription Monitoring Program. It says no opioids or narcotics were ever prescribed to the parties. Arizona only tracks opioid-based drugs, Kunsaitis says.

9:03 a.m. Wood shows Kunsaitis a document from the Montana prescription monitoring program showing no prescriptions were ever filled for JJ. Tylee Ryan’s name was also submitted. No medications were found. Lori Vallow and Melani Boudreaux’s names were also submitted. Melani was living next door to Lori – that’s why Kunsaitis says they searched her name too.

9 a.m. Next document is from the state of Hawaii showing prescriptions were filled for JJ in 2015 and 2017. Wood asks Kunsaitis why he did a search for prescription history in Montana. Kunsaitis says they got a tip early on that the kids may be being held in a Montana compound so officers followed up on the tip.

8:57 a.m. Wood asks Kunsaitis if he ever did any pharmaceutical searches when JJ Vallow was missing. The detective says he did. He submitted requests to agencies in Arizona, Hawaii, Montana and Idaho. There were no records of any prescriptions being filled for JJ in any of those states during 2019.

8:55 a.m. Next is a receipt from the Residence Inn in Kansas City, Missouri. Melani Boudreaux’s name is on it and it says two guests were in the room. The IP address was tracked to this hotel on that specific date.

8:51 a.m. Next exhibit is from Windstream Communications in reference to an IP address associated with Tylee Ryan’s Venmo account. The IP address was registered to a Residence Inn in Kansas City, Missouri. One hundred dollars was sent on Oct. 10 to Colby Ryan from Tylee’s account with a message, “We love you.” Lori was with Melani Boudreaux, her niece, in Kansas City that day. That Venmo transaction was made using Tylee’s phone, Kunsaitis says.

8:47 a.m. Next document is subscriber information for Lori Vallow’s SparkLight/Cable One account. This was for the Rexburg apartment #175 — but Lori’s rental lease agreement was for apartment #107. Kunsaitis says Lori leased in #107, where Alex lived, but she lived in #175.

8:45 a.m. Next document is an email dated Nov. 8, 2019, that Chad Daybell sent to Julie Black — a realtor in Hawaii. It says, “We are interested in seeing this property. Would the owners be interested in leasing this property to a clean couple with no pets or children? Please let us know. Thank you.” This email was sent three days after Lori and Chad were married.

8:44 a.m. Kunsaitis says the department seized the Jeep on Nov. 4, 2019. It was never reported missing.

8:40 a.m. First document presented to the jury — a loan document for the Jeep Wrangler seized by Rexburg Police. The vehicle was purchased in April 2019. Tylee began paying $599 a month in June. Automatic payments were made in June, July and August. The September car payment from Tylee’s account came back as insufficient funds. T

8:38 a.m. Rexburg Police Det. Chuck Kunsaitis just took the stand. Jurors are being brought into the courtroom. Expect a lot of testimony this morning to be about finances, bank statements, business documents, etc.

8:33 a.m. Lori Vallow Daybell is in the courtroom with her attorneys John Thomas and Jim Archibald. Prosecutors Rob Wood, Spencer Rammell and Tawyna Rawlings are in the courtroom. Lindsey Blake and Rachel Smith are absent this morning.

8:30 a.m. The interest from members of the public wanting to attend the trial in-person has not decreased. Many people telling me they’ve taken time off from work to be here. One woman just introduced herself to me and said she drove from Sacramento, Calif., to be here. Lots of folks from Idaho and Utah here.

8:15 a.m. Back at the Ada County Courthouse. Rexburg Police Det. Chuck Kunsaitis will be first on the stand this morning continuing to testify about bank statements, credit card accounts and other financial information involving Lori Daybell, Chad Daybell and Alex Cox. You can get caught up on what happened yesterday here.