DAY 14 | LIVE UPDATES: Temple visits, cell phone activity, emails, and more presented in Daybell trial - East Idaho News
DAY 14

DAY 14 | LIVE UPDATES: Temple visits, cell phone activity, emails, and more presented in Daybell trial

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4:30 p.m. Sketches from today. Rexburg Police Det. David Stubbs, FBI analyst Nicole Heideman and FBI analyst Nick Ballance.

04 24 2023 01  Witness Detective Sargent David Stubbs 2

04 24 2023 02  Witness FBI TacticalSpecialist Nicole Heideman

04 24 2023 03  Witness FBI SpecialAgentCAST Nick Ballance

3:22 p.m. Lori is resting her head on her hand as she looks at the maps on the screen on the defense table. Boyce says court will now be dismissed until 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. I’ll have a wrap-up tonight at 7:30 p.m. on “Courtroom Insider.” Watch on my FB page. It’s also on the YouTube channel and FB page.

3:18 p.m. It’s hard to describe in writing the maps, colors, sectors and coverage area being shown to the jurors. Ballance is using a laser pointer to highlight significant points. He’s basically describing Alex Cox’s movements on the morning of Sept. 9.

3:17 p.m. There was also text communication between Chad and Lori from 8:15 a.m. to 9:06 a.m. on Sept. 9.

3:13 p.m. On the morning of Sept. 9, Ballance says there was a lot of communication on devices linked to Chad and Alex.

3:10 p.m. Ballance says between Aug. 1 and Oct. 31, the homerjmaximus account registered at Lori Vallow’s apartment a handful of times.

3:09 p.m. We are now hearing about the homerjmaximus account belonging to Alex Cox. Ballance says on Sept. 9, 2019, between 12 and 5 a.m., three locations associated to the account were repeated northwest of Lori Vallow’s Rexburg apartment.

3:04 p.m. Ballance makes it clear that his mapping involves a phone, not a person. He is tracking a device, not an individual.

3:03 p.m. Ballance gives a detailed description of how he came up with the data in the 101-page report

2:59 p.m. Ballance describes the drive test he conducted in the Rexburg area showing where phones ping off of different towers.

2:53 p.m. Wood asks to admit an exhibit summarizing Ballance’s report. Thomas objects and says the exhibit is not complete. He wants to see the entire 101-page report rather than just a summary. Wood says prosecutors can provide the defense with the entire report, but Boyce overrules the objection stating that summaries are allowed.

2:52 p.m. The cell records Ballance received were several hundred thousand lines.

2:50 p.m. Attorneys met with Boyce for a brief sidebar. Instead of an afternoon break, court will continue for another 30 minutes and then dismiss for the day. This testimony is quite technical, and some of the jurors appeared tired.

2:47 p.m. Ballance prepared a report detailing 30 cellular phone records and multiple Google accounts associated with Lori Vallow.

2:42 p.m. CAST uses other tools to track a phone besides cell phone records, like Google location tracking.

2:41 p.m. Ballance says you can not pinpoint an exact location for a cell phone, but you can get a general idea.

2:40 p.m. A cell phone will always select the strongest and clearest cell phone tower – and it might not be the closest tower if there are obstructions or other obstacles in the way.

2:37 p.m. Ballance talks about a “drive test” that measures how far out cell phone towers reach. Ballance conducted a drive test in Rexburg in June 2020.

2:34 p.m. Wood asks about call detail records maintained by cell phone providers. They include who is calling, the time, date and which tower the call originated from. Cell phone companies have lists of where their towers are located.

2:33 p.m. Ballance says cell phone companies record the activities of their customers and which towers are used during phone activities.

2:31 p.m. Ballance says a traditional cell phone tower has antennas facing three different directions or sectors.

2:30 p.m. Highly populated cities have more cell phone towers versus rural areas that will have fewer, Ballance says.

2:30 p.m. Ballance testifies that T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T are the primary cell phone companies in Rexburg. He says your phone uses the cell phone tower belonging to your phone even if another company has a cell phone tower closer to you.

2:27 p.m. Ballance says there are around 70 to 80 CAST employees nationwide. They have been through a lot of training, and there is an extensive certification process.

2:26 p.m. Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood is questioning Ballance.

2:25 p.m. Ballance is part of the FBI Cellular Analysis Survey Team (CAST). They take cell phone data, put it on a map and help track where phones have been. He has used the technology in hundreds of cases – homicides, missing kids, etc.

2:23 p.m. Prosecution calls Nick Ballance to the stand. He has been a special agent with the FBI since June 2016. He is assigned to the Boise resident agency out of the Salt Lake City Division.

2:22 p.m. Blake asks a few clarifying questions, and Heideman is released from the stand, but she will be called again later in the trial, so her subpoena remains in effect.

2:20 p.m. Thomas has no further questions for Heideman. Blake will now follow-up.

2:18 p.m. We have pulled the audio from the court hearing Thursday where you can hear Rexburg detectives visiting Lori’s Rexburg apartment for the first time asking about JJ. You can listen here:

2:12 p.m. Thomas asks some follow-up questions and for clarification on the cell phone records Heideman reviewed.

2:09 p.m. Thomas asks how the temple visits relate to the days of the deaths and what the significance is. Heideman says she put together a timeline showing records. “I can’t say what the purpose of their visits were,” she says.

2:06 p.m. Thomas asks Heideman about the seven temple trips Chad and Lori took together. He asks if they went in a group. Heideman says she does not know – she only checked on Chad and Lori’s attendance. Thomas says these seven visits are only a “fraction” of the time Chad and Lori went to the temple. Heideman says that is correct.

2:03 p.m. Thomas asks Heideman to clarify some of the information she explained. During cross-examination, Lori has been taking notes at the defense table.

1:58 p.m. Thomas asks Heideman about the fact she flagged the term Tuesday and thought it was significant because Chad and Lori were married on a Tuesday. He says that Tylee and JJ died on Mondays and Tammy died on a Saturday – inferring that if Tuesday was so significant, more things would have been done on Tuesdays.

1:53 p.m. Thomas asks Heideman why she thought Ned Schneider was an important term to flag while she was doing the search. He asks if she did any further research to find out the significance of the terms. She says it was a cursory search to aid in the investigation.

1:50 p.m. Blake has no further questions for FBI Tactical Specialist Heideman. John Thomas will cross-examine her.

1:48 p.m. The day before Tylee died, Lori and Chad visited the Idaho Falls Temple, according to Heideman. JJ died around Sept. 22/23. Chad and Lori visited the Idaho Falls Temple on Sept. 17 and the Rexburg Temple on Sept. 28. They visited the Rexburg Temple on Oct. 29 – 10 days after Tammy died.

1:45 p.m. The exhibit shows dates Chad and Lori visited the LDS temple together before their marriage. In 2018: Nov. 16. In 2019: April 3, April 27, Sept. 7, Sept. 17, Sept. 28, and a visit in October. (I can’t see the date from my seat). They visited temples in Idaho, Texas and Arizona. Their temple recommend cards were scanned within seconds of each other at the temples except in one instance when they were scanned about 20 minutes apart.

1:43 p.m. Sidebar is over, and Thomas voices the objection in front of the jury. Thomas says the dates of deaths for JJ, Tylee and Tammy are in the exhibit but the state has not proven they died on those dates. Boyce tells the jury that the presentation is a demonstrative exhibit – not evidence.

1:40 p.m. Blake moves to admit another PowerPoint presentation. Thomas objects to the exhibit and asks to discuss it in a sidebar or outside the presence of the jury.

1:38 p.m. Bailiffs have seized a phone that has gone off in the courtroom. The judge and jurors are back following the recess.

1:20 p.m. The state needs to obtain some additional records so we are taking a 10-15 minute recess.

1:17 p.m. Attorneys meeting for a sidebar with the judge. White noise is played in the courtroom.

1:15 p.m. Heideman says wedding records indicated Lori wanted to marry Chad on Nov. 5, 2019. That’s the day they were married and they exchanged rings.

1:13 p.m. On July 22, 2019, Chad and Lori texted each other regarding Kauai and “the plan.” Chad texted Lori “love you” and said he was going to see “The Other Side of Heaven 2” with his son. Lori responds, “I love you.” Chad responds, “Not as much as I love you.” Lori tells Chad he will love the scenery as it’s very similar to Hawaii. Chad responds, “Hopefully we can be there soon.”

1:11 p.m. We are now viewing a text from Chad to Lori on July 13, 2019 – two days after Charles’ death. The message says, “Concerning the two weeks. BYU-Idaho’s graduation is July 23. Adam is getting his bachelor’s and Leah and Joe are getting their associate’s. They are all walking in the same commencement ceremony. I feel like she will be gone by then but I will still have the hoopla to deal with. So I believe that’s why the Lord is making me wait.” Adam and Joe are Chad’s sons-in-law. Leah is his daughter.

1:10 p.m. The rings are similar to the rings seen in Chad and Lori’s wedding photos. Lori is staring at the screen on the defense table as evidence is being presented.

1:08 p.m. Lori tried to purchase a ring again on Oct. 2, 2019, through Charles Vallow’s Amazon account. Another ring was purchased that day through an online jewelry store. Size 11.5 was originally ordered. That ring was returned and repurchased as a size 11 on Oct. 4, 2019. Tammy Daybell was pronounced dead on Oct. 19. After she died, the size 11 ring was returned and a size 10 was purchased. There is no evidence the size 10 was returned.

1:07 p.m. Lori tried to order two more rings on Aug. 25 and have them shipped to Rexburg. Her credit card was declined.

1:04 p.m. Chad and Lori conducted Google searches for Malachite in May 2019, according to Heideman’s review of their search history. On Aug. 14, 2019, Lori tried to purchase two glow-in-the-dark Malachite rings from Etsy. The shipping address was to Lori’s home in Chandler. The manufacturer was unable to fulfill the order.

1:02 p.m. Two documents were found in the One was titled “Seven Archangels,” and the second was “Presiding Council of Archangels.” In the first document, there was discussion of malachite, Raphael and James. Tuesday was mentioned – Chad and Lori were married on a Tuesday. In the second document, the names Elena and Lili were mentioned. The color green and Tuesday was mentioned.

1:01 p.m. Boyce overrules the objection, and the presentation will be allowed in.

12:55 p.m. Thomas objects to admitting some of the pages in the exhibit. Blake asks Heideman follow-up questions so she can explain why it’s relevant and should be admitted.

12:53 p.m. Nicole Heideman with the FBI remains on the stand. Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake is conducting the questioning. Blake asks to admit another PowerPoint presentation.

12:51 p.m. I’ve met a lot of people who have traveled near and far to attend the trial in the courtroom. A couple from Orem, Utah, introduced themselves to me today. I’ve met folks from California, New York, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Louisiana, Texas – even Australia.

12:49 p.m. Judge Boyce is back on the bench. Jurors are about to be brought in.

12:41 p.m. A sketch of Detective David Stubbs from this morning.

04 24 2023 01  Witness Detective Sargent David Stubbs

11:50 a.m. Blake says this is a logical time to take a lunch break. Boyce agrees. We will be back by 1 p.m.

11:46 a.m. The second phone number attributed to Alex had no subscriber name, but it was active from Sept. to Dec. 2019. The third phone number was tied to a Samsung Galaxy phone found in Alex’s apartment. There was so subscriber name, but it was associated with Alex’s email address. It was saved as “Spencer’s wife” in Lori’s iCloud account.

11:44 a.m. The next slide shows Alex Cox’s cell phone attribution. The first number was provided by Alex to Chandler police as they were investigating Charles Vallow’s homicide. It was tied to Alex’s email accounts and listed on Allegiant flight records.

11:42 a.m. Lori gave the third number to Chandler police after Charles was killed. It was associated with Premier Financial Services (Charles Vallow’s business). It was also listed as a contact on the Hawaii wedding quote request.

11:41 a.m. The next phone number was subscribed to Lori Vallow from Feb. 4, 2019 – Jan. 2020. It was associated with three of Lori’s iCloud/Gmail accounts. It was listed as as shipping address in Rexburg for Charles Vallow’s Amazon account. It was also listed as a contact number on the Hawaii wedding request.

11:38 a.m. Heideman now showing the cell phones attributed to Lori Vallow. The first phone number was connected to Allegiant Air records, Delta Flight records and was the contact number on a Hawaii wedding quote request.

11:35 a.m. The next slide shows two more phone numbers used after the homicides. One was associated to “Raphael” as Chad and “James and Elena” as Chad and Lori. On Dec. 4, 2019, Chad sent a group text to his kids saying, “Hi, this is Dad.” This number was saved as “Raphael” in Zulema’s phone. Another phone number shows a text on Dec. 14, 2019 to his children that says, “Hi, this is Chad.” The number was used by Chad and Lori, according to Ian Pawlowski, Melani’s current husband.

11:34 a.m. The fourth number was only in contact with one of Lori’s numbers and one of Alex’s numbers. It was saved in Lori’s iCloud account as “Bishop Miller.” Chad texted this number saying he would call from a 401 area code, which is Rhode Island.

11:32 a.m. The fourth phone number associated to Chad was saved as “bubby” in the lollytime iCloud account. It was activated from July 1, 2019 through Oct. 2019. This phone called the mortuary in Arizona after Charles died. Lori also texted an Allegiant Air confirmation to this phone. Lori also texted this phone “birthday kisses all over” and was saved as “Bishop Shumway” in the lori4style iCloud account.

11:29 a.m. A second phone number associated to Chad was saved in the lori4style iCloud account as “Melani 2.” A third phone number was activated when the second phone number expired. It was saved in the lori4style account as “Jamie.”

11:28 a.m. Heideman going through Chad Daybell’s cell phone attribution list. It was listed on flight records, a Hawaii lease agreement and other documents. This number was saved as “Bishop Shumway” in the lori4stlye iCloud account. It was saved as “Dad” in Seth Daybell’s phone.

11:26 a.m. John Prior, Chad’s attorney, is back in the courtroom this morning. He is taking notes.

11:25 a.m. Heideman says investigators determined Chad Daybell had nine phone numbers between Oct. 2018 and Jan. 2020. There were three numbers of interest. Lori Vallow had six phone numbers; three were of interest. Alex Cox had six phone numbers; three were of interest.

11:23 a.m. Blake’s computer is having technical issues, so another computer is being brought up to show the presentation.

11:18 a.m. Heideman says she was asked to conduct phone attribution during the investigation. This is when you determine who the primary user of a phone is. She has a PowerPoint presentation with information that Blake asks to admit into evidence.

11:12 a.m. The next slide shows activity on the lollytime4ever Gmail account from March 7, 2019 through Dec. 14, 2019.

– On May 7, 2019, the user searched: malachite
– On July 21, 2019, the user searched: gerber life policy, life insurance for children – the Grow-Up Plan.
– On July 26, 2019, the user searched: Phoenix pet service, craigslist, sell service dog, Little Angels Service Dogs, Service Dogs for Sale, Offerings Phoenix.
– On Aug. 25, 2019, the user searched: wedding bands made of malachite
– On Sept. 20, 2019, the user searched: Kennedy Elementary Rexburg Idaho phone number; define possess.
– On Sept. 24, 2019, the user searched: Kennedy Elementary Rexburg Idaho phone number
– On Sept. 30, 2019, the user searched: how to get the back seat out of my jeep wrangler; Jeep Wrangler JK Rear Seat Removal How to DIY – YouTube
– On Oct. 2, 2019, the user searched: gilbert az news
– On Oct. 22, 2019, the user searched: wedding dresses, wedding dresses in Kauai

11:06 a.m. The first slide on the presentation shows search activity in the email account from Oct. 1, 2018 through Nov. 28, 2019.

– On Jan. 31, 2019, the user searched: Ned Schneider Louisana obituary 1997.
– On March 3, 2019, the user searched: june 26 star sign, are cancer and leo compatible, may 4 sign, taurus and leo compatible.
– On May 5, 2019, the user searched: malachite, ebay malachite-jewelry.
– On June 1, 2019, the user searched: hiplos
– On July 9, 2019, the user searched: when you surprise someone with accusations.
– On Sept. 28, 2019, the user searched: ssw wind. what is the definition of ssw wind.
– On Oct. 8, 2019, the user searched: rhode island area code.

11:05 a.m. The PowerPoint contains a summary of “relevant” search findings from the accounts, Heideman says when asked by Thomas. Thomas does not object to admitting the presentation.

11:01 a.m. Heideman says she was asked to review some Google searches on Chad Daybell’s Gmail account and the lollytime account. Blake asks to admit printouts from a PowerPoint presentation.

11 a.m. Boyce asks if Stubbs will be recalled to testify. Smith says he may be, so the detective remains under subpoena. Next witness called is Nicole Heideman. Lindsey Blake will question Heideman. Heideman works for the FBI.

10:57 a.m. Smith asks for clarification on the wind. She has no further questions. Thomas has one more question: “Did you ever see anything from Lori saying, ‘I’m going to kill the kids?’ ‘Let’s kill the kids?’ ‘Kill the kids?'” Stubbs says, “No” to all the questions. Thomas: “Based on anything you’ve seen, is there anything in there where Lori had texted or emailed – any type of data that says anything about wanting to kill her children?” Stubbs says, “No.”

10:54 a.m. Smith has some “brief” re-direct for Stubbs. She asks him to clarify some of his training and then asks if “burner” phones are used by people who are trying to hide their behavior. Stubbs says yes. Smith says, “Are they commonly used by people who are trying to hide their relationships from other people in their lives?” Stubbs responds, “In my experience, yes.”

10:53 a.m. Thomas asks Stubbs if he knows what size ring Chad, Lori, Alex or Zulema wear. Stubbs says he does not. Thomas has no further questions.

10:51 a.m. Thomas now asking about the wind search Chad Daybell did on his computer. “Why was this particular day, this particular search unusual to you?” he asks. Stubbs responds, “Because the user of this account was looking for the wind on this particular date and time.” Stubbs says the user never looked up wind conditions or speeds again.

10:49 a.m. Thomas brings up the “burner” phones. Stubbs said that drug dealers often use them. Thomas asks if Stubbs thinks Lori or Chad were involved in drugs. Stubbs says, “Not to my knowledge.” Thomas says there are many reasons why people might use a burner phone.

10:46 a.m. Stubbs recalls a list of courses he’s taken over his career related to cell phone and electronic data gathering.

10:44 a.m. Thomas begins by questioning Stubbs about his training. The detective says about 50% of his work is dedicated to phones, electronics, data training. Thomas asks what training he’s done in the past year. Stubbs says he’s taken online courses and completed updates on software.

10:42 a.m. While viewing these images in the courtroom, Lori Daybell did not have much of a reaction. She looked at the photos and did not turn away. Smith has no further questions. John Thomas will cross-examine Stubbs.

10:40 a.m. The next image is Chad and Lori gazing into each other’s eyes on the beach. The next image is a photo of their wedding with the preacher who conducted the ceremony. The next photo shows Chad playing a ukulele while Lori does a Hawaiian dance. Both are wearing leis. The final image shows Chad holding Lori in his arms while they kiss, and the ocean is in the background.

10:38 a.m. The second photo is Chad and Lori standing in front of the Latter-day Saint temple in Hawaii. The next image is Chad and Lori in a dance pose on the beach in Hawaii. The next photo shows a closeup of Chad and Lori’s hands wearing their malachite wedding rings.

10:37 a.m. Smith shows the wedding photos to the jurors and courtroom. The first picture is Chad and Lori looking into the camera while hugging on Nov. 5, 2019. They are dressed in white on the beach in Hawaii. Stubbs says the photos were taken with a Canon EOS camera.

10:36 a.m. Thomas asks Stubbs how police got the photos. He says they were on a flash drive seized from Chad and Lori in Hawaii.

10:32 a.m. Smith asks Stubbs if police have obtained Chad and Lori’s wedding photos. He says they have, and Smith asks to abmit several exhibits.

10:30 a.m. Stubbs says early in the investigation, they went to Tammy Daybell’s siblings. In January 2020, he gathered information about hotels and motels – including Motel 6 in Rexburg and Rigby. There were various stays in September and October 2019.

10:26 a.m. Smith asks Stubbs if there were any searches for travel plans. On Oct. 9, he found a search for travel to Missouri. This was the day Tammy was reported being shot at while outside her home. Lori and Melani B. traveled to Missouri to LDS Church history sites.

10:24 a.m. The user searched for “possessed” and “how to remove the rear seat of my Jeep Wrangler.” The person then accessed a YouTube video about how to remove the seat from the Jeep. In October, the user of this account looked for wedding dresses in Kauai. “What also caught my attention was this was being looked at on the same day as Tammy’s funeral,” Stubbs says. (Tammy’s funeral was Oct. 22, 2019.)

10:20 a.m. Stubbs now talking about the lollytime email account. He says on Aug. 25, 2019, the user of the account looked for malachite wedding rings and wedding rings made of malachite. The user ordered an 11.5 size ring and a 4.2 malachite ring. The total amount was around $808. This caught Stubbs attention because Charles had died in July, and Chad was still married to Tammy. “We were thinking it was odd for her to be looking at wedding rings at that time.”

10:18 a.m. Next exhibit is Verizon records. There is a screen at the defense table. Lori leans in closely to look at the screen. The records show multiple phone numbers associated to Lori Vallow and Charles Vallow.

10:10 a.m. Smith walks up to the witness stand to insert the thumb drive into her computer so Stubbs can verify the evidence. Thomas also walks up to observe.

10:06 a.m. Stubbs says in reviewing Chad’s search history on Sept. 8, the user of the account looked up what the wind direction was going to be for the next day. Stubbs says this was significant because “that is the day Chad Daybell had said he was going to burn limbs and killed a raccoon in his yard.” The wind search said it would be south/southwest.

10:05 a.m. Thomas objects to admitting the thumb drive after questioning Stubbs about how he knows what exactly is on the drive. Boyce overrules the objection.

10:01 a.m. Smith introduces a USB hard drive containing Chad Daybell’s internet search history. By the way, the juror who complained of feeling sick is back in her seat, as are the rest of the jurors.

9:58 a.m. Smith asks who owned the homerjmaximus account. Stubbs says it was Alex Cox, and police found his search history and other data tied to his account. Smith asks about the and – both associated with Lori. A Gmail account belonging to Chad Daybell was also searched.

9:57 a.m. Stubbs says Google and other tech. companies “keep a web” of everything you’re using – phones, laptops, email accounts – and they are able to connect it all to the user.

9:55 a.m. Stubbs says some of the email addresses were connected to “burner” phones – pay-as-you-go phones purchased at Walmart or other stores often limited in use. “It’s a common phone used by people distributing illegal drugs so they can’t have their number tracked.”

9:54 a.m. Court is back in session. Jurors have taken their seats. We are viewing a document Stubbs attached to a warrant submitted to Google that contains names, email addresses, etc. of people associated with Lori.

9:27 a.m. Judge calls for an “impromptu” morning break. A juror told a bailiff she wasn’t feeling well and the court needs to organize the file being admitted into evidence. Back in 15 to 20 minutes.

9:22 a.m. Judge called for a sidebar. Jurors stand to stretch their legs.

9:19 a.m. Smith asks to admit another exhibit into evidence. It’s a document Stubbs and the FBI prepared for Google. It will be shown to the jury and audience.

9:18 a.m. Stubbs says after the occupants of the apartment “left in haste,” officers tried to get a hold of Lori, Chad and Alex. “The next thing for us to do was to try and figure out where they went,” he says. This was in December 2019.

9:16 a.m. Officers then had a private company conduct its own investigation/search on two devices.

9:13 a.m. Stubbs describes Google responded to the warrants with “serial numbers” and data – not personal information and names. Police took the locations of 12 specific devices/serial numbers and asked who those 12 people actually are. They then narrowed it down to 10 devices and asked for information on those.

9:11 a.m. Stubbs says only one device had the commonalities during these specific days – and it belonged to Alex Cox.

9:07 a.m. Next warrant: “If you were to drop a pin in the middle of Chad’s property and make a circle 250 meters out – the size of about two and a half football fields – and then you did the same at Lori’s apartment and ballooned it out as well, we asked Google for any devices that would be within those circular fences. We wanted to know every device they could give us during certain time frames on key dates so we could see any additional devices that were moving or in common with these two locations on Sept. 8 and 9 and Sept. 22 and 23, which is the times we believe these murders occurred.”

9:06 a.m. Stubbs wrote a search warrant to get geolocation data on the cell phones which contained hundreds of thousands of records.

9:03 a.m. Next warrant was issued after the children were found buried at Chad’s house. “The goal of this warrant was to get very specific readings of all parts of the property” in relation to cell phone pinging, Stubbs says. This was done in conjunction with the FBI.

9:02 a.m. A warrant was also issued for a music account associated with Lori and Alex, but that company did not store any data. Another warrant was issued for items found in Melani’s apartment.

9 a.m. Stubbs says when items were seized out of the car in Hawaii, there was a notebook containing almost a whole page of email addresses and phone numbers. Police issued a warrant for each of the email addresses.

8:58 a.m. Stubbs says two of the phones traced to Kauai. He says when officers found Lori in Hawaii, 10 devices were found inside Lori’s rental car. They were seized.

8:58 a.m. Stubbs says they requested the phone companies perform a live “tap and trace” search of phone numbers associated to Lori Vallow, Alex Cox and Tylee Ryan to see if they could find their location.

8:54 a.m. Stubbs says when Lori left her apartment, a lot of stuff was left behind. The landlords went in to clean and found two abandoned phones inside the unit. They were turned over to the police and Stubbs says there were two email addresses associated to the phone: and Both email addresses belonged to Alex Cox.

8:53 a.m. Another warrant was issued to Verizon after a bill associated with 18 phones was found in a Sugar City PO box. The account was in the name of Lori Vallow.

8:52 a.m. Other warrants included in the list are Google accounts associated with Lori. Stubbs says a “mass” amount of data was returned. “Because of the size of the data they gave us, we distributed it between myself and other investigators in the case.”

8:51 a.m. The exhibit shows 20 electronic search warrants that Stubbs prepared. It’s shown on the big screen in the courtroom. Stubbs describes the first warrant sent to Verizon for Lori’s phone.

8:48 a.m. Lori has been taking notes this morning. She does not appear to be looking back at her sister much.

8:46 a.m. Stubbs says “several” electronic search warrants were prepared in Lori’s case. When asked for a number, he says 20 to 21. Smith now asks to admit an exhibit.

8:44 a.m. Stubbs says if Google or other types of accounts/apps are found on a suspect’s phone, warrants can be issued to the companies for the information those companies are storing. Stubbs has worked with Amazon, Google, Fitbit and other companies who return data after search warrants are served.

8:43 a.m. Stubbs has analyzed hundreds of electronic devices over the years. He has been to special classes and training to learn how to retrieve information on devices. Officers look for any communication, photos, emails, apps, etc. on a suspect’s phone.

8:39 a.m. Stubbs describes how police searched the three units associated with Lori at the Rexburg complex – Lori’s apartment, Alex’s apartment and Melani’s apartment. Stubbs says inside Melani’s apartment, officers found a binder full of several credit cards belonging to Melani and her ex-husband Brandon.

8:37 a.m. Stubbs was on the stand much of the afternoon on Thursday. You can read about his testimony here. Prosecutor Rachel Smith is questioning him this morning.

8:34 a.m. Summer and family are sitting in the rows reserved for the prosecution – not the defense. She is able to be in here for other witnesses because Judge Boyce deemed her Tylee’s representative.

8:33 a.m. Detective Stubbs enters the courtroom. I spotted retired Rexburg Detective Dave Hope walking into the courtroom this morning. I assume he will take the stand today or tomorrow. It’s likely Summer Shiflet will also testify this week.

8:28 a.m. Bailiff is giving instruction to courtroom attendees. No photos, no talking, no snacking.

8:26 a.m. Lori’s sister, Summer Shiflet, just walked into the courtroom with her husband. Summer is here with her uncle (Janis Cox’s brother) and his daughter. Jim Archibald just shook Summer’s hand. Lori has glanced back at her family, who are sitting in the second row of the center section.

8 a.m. Week four of Lori Vallow Daybell’s trial begins today. We are back inside the Ada County Courthouse waiting to get into the courtroom. Testimony will begin this morning with Rexburg Detective David Stubbs. He was on the stand Thursday afternoon, when court was last in session, and the prosecution will continue questioning.

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