ITD warns of possible dangerous flooding conditions on the roads - East Idaho News

ITD warns of possible dangerous flooding conditions on the roads

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POCATELLO – The Idaho Transportation Department is reminding drivers to be aware of the potential for road hazards, flooding and mud slides as spring rain begins in eastern Idaho.

According to a news release from ITD, this winter saw some of the highest snow fall in recent years.

“This winter Idaho has seen an above average amount of snow,” says the release. “As that snow melts, road conditions can rapidly deteriorate.”

Most flooding will occur along rivers and streams below mountainous areas with heavy snowpack, but ITD officials say flash flooding can happen anywhere.

“Motorists are reminded not to try to drive through a flooded road. There is no way to know what hazards may be beneath the water or how deep it may be,” says the release. “’Turn around don’t drown’ is wise advice, particularly when it only takes six inches of water to cause a passenger vehicle to stall or lose control.”

If your car does stall in flood waters, ITD says you should abandon the car as long as it is safe to do so and you are able to move to higher ground.

“Floods can rise quickly, and a vehicle may float into rivers or other dangers should it become trapped,” the release says.

Mud slides and rock fall are also possible as temperatures rise, meaning it is especially important to slow down in mountainous areas and watch closely for rocks on the road.

“If water is running off a hill and across the road, do not cross the water,” officials say. “Such flows can quickly turn into a mudslide and trap you and your passengers in your vehicle.”

If you do come across a flooded road, it is important to contact law enforcement right away. They will be able to contact ITD or county agencies who will then close the road as they work to repair it.

Make sure to always check or the 511 app before traveling to confirm roads are open and safe.