Rigby HS business club set for trip to California, national competition - East Idaho News

Rigby HS business club set for trip to California, national competition

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RIGBY — A group of future business owners will trek from Rigby to Anaheim this month, where they will represent eastern Idaho on a national stage.

The Rigby High School Business Professionals of America (BPA) club will compete in fields from entrepreneurialism, administrative research, global marketing and more. They earned the right to represent their town and community on this massive scale after being one of the top groups in February’s state competition.

Senior Max Mecham, one of the club’s eight members, said his team is “very excited” to represent Rigby.

Junior Ashlyn Stucki, one of two members who will pitch business plans in the entrepreneurial portion of the competition, is already a small-business owner. Stucki said her parents are business owners, so she has always been interested. But she recently launched an embroidery business of her own.

“I’ve always, kind of, wanted to learn more about (business), especially when I was a freshman — I’ve just stuck with it,” she said.

The BPA class is new to Rigby High this year, the team said. Now, they have time and space to work together on projects and presentations, earning college credits as they work.

Mecham, who co-owns a window-washing business with a classmate, is an administrative research specialist and will compete in that field at nationals.

“I’m given a topic about the administrative research and have to present based off that topic,” he said.

According to teacher and club advisor Stefani Cook, the team will leave for Anaheim and the national competition on April 25.