Paranormal Cirque bringing its macabre show to Idaho Falls this week - East Idaho News
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Paranormal Cirque bringing its macabre show to Idaho Falls this week

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Traveling shows that mix the circus, the theater, horror aesthetics and cabaret have been popular in Europe for years and are catching on in the U.S. Now, one such show, Paranormal Cirque, is bringing its big top experience to Idaho Falls this week. (Click here for tickets.)

“(Paranormal Cirque) is all the things you think about when you think about the circus,” Ben Holland, the show’s general manager, told “We’ve got acrobats doing crazy stunts and that kind of stuff. (Our show) is all of that, but it’s got this horror, Halloween-themed twist. There’s really nothing out there like it. For people who love their horror movies, we take all that and put it together with excellent acrobats, the best of the best from all corners of the world, and put on one amazing show.”

The show’s fusion of circus and horror imagery has dropped the jaws of audiences across the country.

“Once you see it once, you come out saying, ‘Why isn’t this a thing everywhere?’” Holland said. “It fits together really well, and people come out and get what they were expecting and maybe a little more.”

Aimee Baretto Jorge Vargas Motorcycle Trapeze Charles Meredith 5
Courtesy Charles Meredith via Leah Hryniewicki

Holland said there’s an audience for this kind of entertainment in the U.S.

“The owner of (Paranormal Cirque) is Italian, and over there, they have tons and tons of stuff like this,” said Holland. “Once he immigrated here to the United States, he saw that there was nothing remotely even like this, and he said, ‘Why isn’t this a thing over there?’ So he took the concept, transplanted it into the United States and it’s been a big hit.”

Because the show features elements of gore, language and sexuality, children under the age of 17 require an accompanying parent or guardian with a valid photo ID to get in. No one under the age of 13 will be admitted.

“The show is intended for adults,” said Holland. “It’s up to the parent’s discretion if they want to bring their kids. They have to sign a waiver that shows they understand that the show is intended for adults.”

Paranormal Cirque
Courtesy Kelli Vance via Leah Hryniewicki

While the imagery may be macabre, the skills and talents of the performers putting on “Paranormal Cirque” are 100% real. Holland said that it’s precisely that aspect that drives the show’s popularity.

“It’s having something that’s real, live entertainment right in front of you,” he said. “You can go to a movie in a theater, or people can watch YouTube videos on their phones, but it’s not an event. This is something you can go out to with your friends and family and have that kind of shared experience. You go, and you see something that’s amazing, and that’s something you can share forever.”

Paranormal Cirque” will be in Idaho Falls at the Grand Teton Mall from Thursday to Sunday. Click here for showtimes and tickets.

Luigi Soto Wheel of Death Steven Green
Courtesy Steven Green via Leah Hryniewicki

All Performers Finale Kelli Vance
Courtesy photo