Bannock County man arrested for allegedly threatening to kill a man with a pipe - East Idaho News
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Bannock County man arrested for allegedly threatening to kill a man with a pipe

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POCATELLO — A man police say threatened another man with a metal pipe faces a felony charge.

Ruben Gurrola Guzman, 66, has been charged with aggravated assault, court records show.

Pocatello police responded to a 911 call reporting a physical altercation at a home on the 700 block of West Alameda Road on June 16, according to an affidavit of probable cause.

When they arrived, officers spoke with the victim, who said he and Guzman got into an argument when Guzman came to the home intoxicated. During the argument, the victim told police, Guzman grabbed a metal pipe and tried to hit the victim.

Officers spoke with a witness, who provided them with video from the incident. Police reports describe Guzman wielding a three-foot-long metal pipe while yelling at the victim.

The victim told police Guzman threatened to kill him. However, that was not caught in the video, the affidavit says.

Officers spoke with Guzman over the phone. According to the affidavit, he said he had been at the home and was involved in a verbal altercation. Guzman allegedly told police that he said to the victim, “If you kill my brother, I’m going to kill you.”

Guzman came to the Pocatello Police Department two days later for an interview. After being read his Miranda rights, Guzman declined to answer any questions.

He was arrested and taken to Bannock County Jail.

Though Guzaman has been charged with this crime, it does not necessarily mean he committed it. Everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven guilty.

If he is found guilty, Guzman could face up to five years in prison.