Trial begins for Pocatello man charged with sexually abusing 9-year-old girl - East Idaho News
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Trial begins for Pocatello man charged with sexually abusing 9-year-old girl

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POCATELLO — The trial of a Pocatello man charged with sexually abusing a nine-year-old girl began Tuesday.

Dean Stewart Anderson, 39, is charged with two counts of lewd conduct with a minor. During the first day of his trial, defense attorney Justin Oleson and Bannock County Prosecuting Attorney Erin Tognetti gave opening statements. The victim also testified about the alleged crimes.

During his opening statements, Oleson suggested the allegations against his client were false — and that the victim made up a story, which led to charges.

“This story is just getting bigger and bigger,” Oleson said.

RELATED | Trial date set for Pocatello man charged with lewd conduct with a 9-year-old

The crimes are alleged to have occurred in 2020 when Pocatello police received a call on Dec. 4 from Child Protective Services to check on the welfare of a then nine-year-old girl. The victim told police that Anderson had touched her in her “private areas” and that Anderson had asked her to touch his “private areas.”

The victim was interviewed by a child advocate on Dec. 8, where she said Anderson had forced her to perform oral sex on him on numerous occasions and showed her pornographic videos. The victim was taken to Portneuf Medical Center for a sexual assault examination.

On Dec. 9, officers took Anderson in for questioning, where he denied ever having sexual contact with the victim. Officers searched his truck while he was questioned and found various evidence for biological testing. Afterward, Anderson was booked in Bannock County Jail.

During her opening statement, Tognetti told the jury that by the time they’ve heard from the victim, other witnesses, and investigators, they will have everything needed to find “Mr. Anderson guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.”

While testifying, the victim described the relationship between her mother and Anderson and the circumstances which led to him having the opportunity to abuse her starting in October 2020. She described multiple instances where Anderson had allegedly shown her pornographic videos and forced her to perform sex acts on him.

“I didn’t want to,” the victim said while on the stand.

She stated during testimony that some of his actions appeared to replicate things they had seen in the pornography.

Sometime after Thanksgiving, she told one of her close friends about the abuse because she couldn’t keep “bottling” it up anymore. The police investigation began soon afterward.

In addition to the victim’s testimony, Tognetti said during the trial, the jury would hear from the victim’s mother, who never suspected that this was happening.

“She’s going to tell you how long they lived together; she’s going to tell you that she remembers the day when (the victim) stayed home from school when all of this started,” Tognetti said.

“You’re going to hear from lab technicians, forensic scientists, who will tell you that (the victim’s) DNA was on the front seat of his truck, along with his,” Tognetti said.

Tognetti said the jury would hear from a forensic interviewer who interviewed the victim, who will explain how children’s memory recall works.

During his statements, Oleson said the victim had changed her story since the preliminary hearing, and he attempted to poke holes in the victim’s testimony.

“Why would (the victim) make up these stories? She didn’t like Dean. There were issues in the home. She wanted him gone,” Oleson said.

At one point in cross-examination, the court had to take a break because the victim began to cry. Afterward, she pointed out that she’s been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which impacts her memory.

The day ended when Tognetti objected to Oleson’s line of questioning, saying he was “badgering” the victim. The judge sustained Tognetti’s objection.

The trial continues on Wednesday, June 14.