'History buff' also has an interest in marine biology - East Idaho News
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‘History buff’ also has an interest in marine biology

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AMMON — Kyle Sprague just finished his junior year at Hillcrest High School and became the Vice President for National Honor Society at school.

He is taking several AP classes including AP literature and AP US History. He is part of the scholastic team and says he is motivated to be a good student.

Kyle recently was part of a team of students that went to the U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl Competition in Washington DC. It’s a nationwide academic competition that tests students’ knowledge in all areas of science and mathematics.

He said he enjoyed going to Washington DC and exploring what the area has to offer.

“When we got to see all the big monuments and museums, I personally really loved that. I am not a really big science person myself so all the big monuments and history, I found that really cool,” he said.

He loves history and has participated in the History Bowl Competition — a buzzer-based history quiz competition for teams of students in Arlington, Virginia. He’s considered a “history buff” by his teachers.

Outside of school, Kyle said he enjoys swimming.

“I used to be on swim teams but I kind of fell out of that, but I am just getting back into swimming,” he explained. His love for swimming has piqued an interest for his future in potentially getting involved with marine biology.

“I just like water and also there’s more interesting stuff to me, at least, underwater than there is on land. Although, I am recently finding out that there is a lot of interesting stuff on land, too,” he said.

When asked what motivates him to be a good student, he replied, “(It’s) more personal ideals. Like, if you are not a good student, then you are not really going to get anywhere in life.”