Kindness campaign kicks off in Pocatello - East Idaho News

Kindness campaign kicks off in Pocatello

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The following is a news release from the city of Pocatello.

The city of Pocatello, Kind Community, School District 25, Idaho State University, Southeastern Idaho Public Health, and other strong community institutions are partnering to spread kindness and remind everyone they matter.

The Kind Campaign is an initiative to help spread kindness and a sense of belonging across our community. Signs that say You Matter, You Are Valued, and You Belong are being distributed across Pocatello.

This campaign is a reminder to choose kindness, understanding, and support to empower and uplift community members. The city of Pocatello is a welcoming and inclusive community that continues to celebrate diversity and a shared vision for creating a kind community. Many may not believe this message, which is why Mayor Brian Blad and the initiative’s partners are being vocal about supporting all individuals.

“I love my community, and this campaign is close to my heart,” said Mayor Brian Blad. “Suicide rates and mental health crises are too high in our region. Many people struggle every day, and it’s important our citizens know they are cared about. I just hope these signs make an impression on those struggling and encourage others to reach out to someone who might need their support.”

“Through community partnerships and the experts within their respective fields, we are thriving daily to make a difference. We are sincerely humbled to be able to continue the mission and vision of Kind Community nine years later. We are fortunate to live in a Kind Community. While working together we can recognize the needs, challenges, and desires for positive change, continued education, and to embrace the growth efforts as individuals, organizations, and community members towards a kind community,” said Rainbow Maldonado

The Kind Campaign is a precursor to Pocatello’s annual Kind Community events. Kind Community Week Starts Monday, September 18. Kind Community is a unified partnership of individuals and organizations with projects, goals, and objectives embracing a vision for the greater, kinder good of our community particularly initiatives focused on uplifting our community’s youth.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2021, 48,183 people died by suicide in the United States, one death every 11 minutes.