'Our hearts are hurting.' Camel calf euthanized at Idaho Falls Zoo - East Idaho News

‘Our hearts are hurting.’ Camel calf euthanized at Idaho Falls Zoo

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IDAHO FALLS — The Idaho Falls Zoo euthanized a camel calf Thursday morning after his leg bone became infected.

Humphrey the Bactrian was born at the zoo on April 13. According to an Idaho Falls Zoo Facebook post, the young camel broke his leg on July 19.

“Veterinarians and zoo staff concluded he was accidentally stepped on by his mother,” officials said. “The injury was not witnessed, however, so we cannot be completely sure.”

Humphrey was moved to the zebra barn to recover as zoo workers monitored his progress.

“Leg repair in hoofed animals, particularly in those of significant size like a Bactrian camel, is often not successful,” zoo officials said, “We have been cautiously optimistic, as he was initially responding well to treatment.”

While his care and veterinary teams were changing the camel’s cast and taking x-rays Thursday morning, an infection in the leg bone was discovered. Zoo staff consulted with “multiple” veterinarians to find possible solutions.

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In the end, “the extremely difficult decision was made to humanely euthanize Humphrey.”

“Our hearts are hurting. Losing any member of our zoo family is incredibly difficult and losing a young one makes it that much harder. Humphrey and his mom have been separated since his injury, and we have some peace in reporting she’s showed no adverse behavioral signs,” the Facebook post says.

Officials are asking the public to keep Humphrey’s caregivers and the Idaho Falls Zoo staff in their thoughts during “this emotionally challenging time.”