Driver tries to outrun Idaho Falls police, faces additional charge - East Idaho News
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Driver tries to outrun Idaho Falls police, faces additional charge

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AMMON — A man was tased and arrested after attempting to outrun police on Friday evening. He now faces the additional charge of resisting arrest.

Idaho Falls Police Department attempted a traffic stop at about 11 p.m., but the driver of the vehicle sped off, heading down Lincoln Road toward Costco, according to Lt. Bryan Lovell, public information officer for the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office.

“The vehicle hit a cement divider at the roundabout at Lincoln and Ammon,” Lovell said.

The crash disabled the vehicle. However, the driver then fled on foot.

A deputy caught up with the man in a nearby neighborhood. The suspect was captured, with the deputy “utilizing a taser in the process,” Lovell said.

Police discovered the suspect had outstanding warrants. He was arrested and booked into the Bonneville County jail. Police haven’t released the suspect’s name yet.