Harmful algal bloom found in Henry's Lake, public urged to use caution - East Idaho News

Harmful algal bloom found in Henry’s Lake, public urged to use caution

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The following is a news release from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

ISLAND PARK — The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has issued a health advisory for Henry’s Lake, according to a news release. The department is urging people to use caution while recreating in or near the water.

“Recent samples from the water body showed high amounts of toxin-producing cyanobacteria,” DHW officials said in the release. “The toxins they produce (cyanotoxins) can be harmful to people, pets and livestock.”

DHW and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality work closely together to identify, respond to and monitor cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms. To learn more about which locations were sampled, visit the DHW website.

When recreating near or in Henry’s Lake, authorities say you should take the following precautions while the advisory is in effect:

  • Avoid swimming, wading, or other contact with the water. Take extra care to ensure children do not drink or get the water on them.
  • Ensure pets and livestock do not drink or go into the water. If they have contact with the water, clean skin, hide, or fur with clean water right away.
  • Do not drink or cook with the water. Boiling or filtering the water does not remove the toxins and can increase the risk of becoming sick.
  • Wash hands thoroughly in clean water after handling fish or objects from the water. If you choose to eat fish from the water, clean and wash fish thoroughly in uncontaminated water. Filet the fish, and remove all fat, skin and internal organs before cooking. Cyanotoxins can build up in fish, and the risk to people is unknown.
  • Watch for symptoms. If you touch or swim in the water or breathe in water droplets, you might experience a rash, hives, red eyes, wheezing, coughing or shortness of breath. If you swallow the water, you might have stomach pain, diarrhea or vomiting. You might have a headache, muscle weakness, or dizziness. If your liver is damaged, your skin might turn yellow, and you will have dark urine. If you think you might be sick from cyanotoxin, consult your healthcare provider or call the poison center at (800) 222-1222. In addition, notify algae@deq.idaho.gov.
  • Monitor media reports and DHW’s website for health advisories.

Cyanobacteria are a natural part of Idaho’s water bodies. The amount of bacteria usually increases rapidly when the temperature of the water rises and there are nutrients for the bacteria to grow (bloom). The blooming can release toxic chemical compounds cyanotoxins into the water.

Blooms don’t all look the same, DHW noted.

“(Blooms) may look like mats, foam, spilled paint or surface scum, and have a foul odor,” officials said. “Algal mats can be out of sight on the bottom of the water body.”

Pets, livestock and wildlife can get sick or die within minutes to days after cyanotoxin exposure. Dogs can become sick first because they are more likely to swim in or drink contaminated water or lick contaminated water or bloom material from their fur.

If your pets or livestock have been in the water, wash them with clean water immediately to keep them from licking cyanobacteria off their bodies. If your pets or livestock seem sick after going in or drinking the water, seek veterinary care right away, officials said.

For more information about algal blooms, visit DEQ’s website or DHW’s website.


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