Local woman in a film about combat veterans' wives: When and where to watch - East Idaho News

Local woman in a film about combat veterans’ wives: When and where to watch

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IDAHO FALLS — This month, a documentary spotlighting combat veterans’ wives, including a resident of Idaho Falls, will be showing in Idaho Falls. These women share their personal post-war journeys and the costs of combat.

The film called “I Married the War” was released in 2021. Norma Jaeger, who lives in Meridian and is the executive producer of the film, said the documentary has been shown in Boise, Moscow and will come to the Snake River Event Center at the Shilo Inn on Sept. 28.

“It’s a powerful film. It’s a moving film,” Jaeger told EastIdahoNews.com. “(The women) talk about the impact (war has had) on their lives and what it’s been like. What they’ve had to do to support their husbands but also how to carve out a life for themselves and their families. … It’s a story about the cost of combat and who bears that cost.”

Jaeger said the filmmaker’s first film was “Bravo! Common Men, Uncommon Valor,” about veterans of the Vietnam War. In that film, veterans talked about their experiences during the war and also what their lives were like after the war.

In the process of interviewing Marines for that film filmmakers met the Marines’ wives, as well. Jaeger said after “Bravo” was completed, they “decided to film the other half of the story,” which is the story of the wives of combat veterans.

“They searched for women who had been married to men in combat and found women from all across the country and all across several war and combat situations, even going back to World War II, (as well) as Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and leading on through the Middle East combats, ending up with Afghanistan,” Jaeger stated.

There are 11 women featured in the documentary. Carman Hinson, 45, is from Idaho Falls and is one of the women in the film. Her husband Courtney, 47, served in Iraq and Afghanistan, twice in each location over a four-year period.

He suffered combat injuries, including multiple traumatic brain injuries from bomb blasts, and he had a parachute accident during training. Courtney was medically retired in 2014 after serving for 17 years. Carmen said her husband of 27 years struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Although Carman said it was “intimidating” to open up and be vulnerable about something so personal in the documentary, she wanted to share her story in hopes it would help at least one person.

“(The film can) bring an awareness, so maybe there’s more compassion,” Carman explained. “Or it can trigger some ways for people to know better how to reach out and help people who might be suffering in silence.”

Nancy Howard, an Idaho Falls woman who’s seen the documentary, knows how important the film’s message is. She’s played a role in helping bring the film to Idaho Falls by reaching out to Jaeger.

“I have a son who’s a former special ops Marine now working for the Army,” Howard said. “(I thought this documentary) has to be the perfect conversation starter so … I became determined to bring it here.”

Before the film, at 6 p.m., a resource fair will take place with displays and organizations in attendance that offer a wide variety of services to help veterans and their families.

After the showing, there will be a panel discussion and Q&A opportunity featuring Hinson and other local individuals who can speak to the reality of PTSD, healing and recovery.

“I’m excited (the film) is coming to a smaller town. They’ve been trying to get it to the bigger cities but I love that it’s coming to this side of Idaho,” Carman said. “There might be people in this area that need to hear this, need to see it and share it with someone they know. You never know who it’s going to touch … or who it’s going to save their life.”

The screening will be held at the Snake River Event Center at the Shilo Inn, 780 Lindsay Boulevard, Idaho Falls. There is no admission fee, but registration and a ticket through Eventbrite is preferred. You can also register at the door.

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The flyer for the “I Married the War” showing in Idaho Falls. | Courtesy Nancy Howard