Sunnyside Elementary unveils new playground after raising over $47k - East Idaho News

Sunnyside Elementary unveils new playground after raising over $47k

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IDAHO FALLS – A local elementary school unveiled a brand new playground for students on Thursday after nearly two years of fundraising.

Sunnyside Elementary assistant principal Chandra Bratton says it was through the efforts of the parent-teacher organization that the students will have brand new playground equipment for generations to come.

“A huge, huge thank you to these lovely ladies who are standing up here. All of this was made possible because they have worked their tails off making sure they could earn the money,” said Bratton at the ribbon cutting. “They have been having fundraisers and making sure that this and our beautiful gaga pit happened.”

gaga ball
The new gaga ball pit. | Kaitlyn Hart,

(Gaga ball is a game for the older students that requires them to dodge a soft foam ball while running and jumping, and they throw the ball at other players below the knees.)

Sunnyside Elementary PTO member Brooke Bushman said the new equipment was purchased using donations from businesses and private donors as well as matching district funds, which are only available if the PTO can raise at least $7,500.

“We also received many, many donations during a Family Dance Fundraiser we held in the spring,” says Bushman. “We needed to raise the last $5,000 for installation. It was truly inspiring to see the community come together to meet our fundraising goal.”

new playground
The new playground at Sunnyside Elementary School. | Kaitlyn Hart,

The playground includes a new jungle gym equipped with a rock wall, slide, tight rope, standing balance beams, and other toys on which the kids can burn off some energy.

Not only did the PTO organize the fundraising, but they also organized a community playground build to construct the new equipment, saving almost $6,000.

“It was a grueling 8-and-a-half-hour day of building, but once again, the community and the school showed up for us,” says Bushman. “We had families dropping in before and after sporting events when they had time to give. We had two employees at the school donate their entire day to the project. We also had multiple families who stayed for the entire 8.5 hours, leaving with sunburns and blisters. It truly takes a village to complete a project like this, and I’m grateful we were able to see it come to fruition.”

According to Bushman, the original playground equipment was nearly 32 years- ld and was on its last legs.

“The structure we replaced was original to the school and in disrepair,” says Bushman. “The playground was so old, the school district was unable to get new parts to repair it for us.”

After the ribbon cutting, the students ascended onto the new equipment with excitement and smiles, which they and many generations after them will enjoy for years to come.

“Playgrounds are really cool, they’re a lot of work, but they’re really great. They’re just a huge part of the school as a centerpiece of our community and in this neighborhood,” says Bratton. “We’re really happy that we get to give this to our neighborhood.”