Calling all graphic designers. Pocatello looking for artists to create new city logo - East Idaho News

Calling all graphic designers. Pocatello looking for artists to create new city logo

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POCATELLO — Pocatello is looking for graphic designers to design a new city logo. This new logo will replace the current one, which has represented the city for around three decades.

But the graphic designer won’t just be expected to design a logo; they’ll design an entire style guide for the city’s rebranding. One of the requirements is that the logo either incorporate the city flag or elements from the flag to maintain brand consistency.

“We would just love for anyone and everyone to come forward and put in their proposal, because you never know who’s gonna get picked,” said Marlise Irby, public information officer for the city.

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The deadline to submit a portfolio is Nov. 13 at 2 p.m.

Irby said the city’s already received a few submissions, and 20 people or companies have downloaded the request for proposal (RFP) document.

“I’m pretty excited to see like how many people have already downloaded the RFP,” Irby said. “In our minds, each person that downloads the RFP would hopefully put in a submission.”

Once the deadline has passed, the City Council will look through the proposals and select the city’s new graphic designer, whether that be a company or an individual. The maximum amount of funds that’s been allocated to this project is $100,000.

Once the city has a designer, the project will start on Dec. 11. By June 13, 2024, the designer be expected to present three logos to the council. Following council direction, the designer will present a style guide by July 12, 224 for formal adoption.

Those who want to put in a submission can download the RFP and follow the city’s directions on how to format their proposal. It also contains information on what will be expected of the graphic designer if they’re selected to design the rebranding materials.

Irby said they’re excited to find a designer that “really gets to know Pocatello and gets to know the heart of Pocatello and create something beautiful that we can roll out.”

Irby said that having a rebranding for the city could attract more people to come and visit or move to the city.

“Having this rebranding for the city that we haven’t had for years, having this rollout, it’s gonna be so great for not only the community but also the city of Pocatello and its departments,” Irby said.