City of Pocatello employees to participate in Great ShakeOut Drill - East Idaho News

City of Pocatello employees to participate in Great ShakeOut Drill

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In most situations, the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On!” technique can reduce your chance of injury in an earthquake. | Courtesy of

POCATELLO — The city of Pocatello will join with more than 50 million people around the world in the 2023 Great ShakeOut Drill, the city announced on its Facebook page Tuesday.

On Thursday at 10:19 a.m., city employees will participate in the worldwide earthquake drill. The drill allows participants to practice how to protect themselves during an earthquake, according to

“Everyone, everywhere, should learn and practice what to do during an earthquake, whether at home, work, school or traveling,” the website reads.

In most situations, the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On!” technique can reduce your chance of injury in an earthquake, according to

Drop cover holdon
Drop, Cover and Hold On! | Courtesy of

Drop, Cover, and Hold On!

  • DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and allows you to stay low and crawl to a shelter if one is nearby.
  • COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand
  • HOLD ON until the shaking stops

For more detailed instruction on Drop, Cover, and Hold On!, watch the video in the viewer above.

“The exercise will also feature a mock evacuation of all City departments,” according to a news release from the city. “Buildings will be closed for roughly 10 minutes while the drill is being conducted. No citizens will be allowed in department buildings until the exercise has ended. Citizens conducting business at the time of the drill will be escorted out, just like a real emergency, and then brought back in after the drill is over.”

For more information on the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills and more on the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On!” technique, visit