Fire Prevention Block Party happening Thursday night in Idaho Falls - East Idaho News

Fire Prevention Block Party happening Thursday night in Idaho Falls

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IDAHO FALLS — Kids will have the chance to put on firefighter turnout gear, spray water and learn from two Dalmatians how to stop, drop, and roll at a block party this Thursday.

The Idaho Falls Fire Department will host its annual Fire Prevention Block Party. This will be the eighth year of the event, though 2020 and 2021 were skipped due to COVID, according to Idaho Falls Fire Department spokeswoman Kerry Hammon.

The community is invited to attend the free and fun family-oriented event at the Idaho Falls Fire Department Station 1 Headquarters at 343 E Street from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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Courtesy Idaho Falls Fire Department

“My favorite part about it is when the kids put on the turnouts and they run through different obstacle courses. Their faces light up when they put on the turnouts and visit with the firefighters. That’s my favorite part,” said Hammon.

The block party celebrates the kick-off for Fire Prevention Week, which is Oct. 8 through Oct. 14. This year’s theme is “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention.”

The Idaho Falls Fire Department offers these key safety tips to help reduce the risk of a cooking fire:

  • Watch what you heat. Always keep a close eye on what you are cooking. Set a timer to remind you that you are cooking.
  • Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove. Always keep a lid nearby when cooking. If a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan and turn off the burner.
  • Have a “kid- and pet-free zone” of at least 3 feet (1 meter) around the stove or grill and anywhere else hot food or drink is prepared or carried.

“Every year, we go into every District 91 second-grade class at every school and we do fire safety education with the students there. So, in addition to the block party, we go into the schools,” Hammon said.

New this year at the event are some fire safety K9 dogs named Polka and Pepper.

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The fire safety K9s. | Courtesy Chaplains of Idaho

“(They) teach kids how to get low during a fire and get underneath the smoke and crawl out, how to leave their toys behind and leave. When a building is on fire, or when a house is on fire– how to stop, drop and roll,” Hammon said. “So it’s an interactive way for kids to learn about fire safety. It’s fun to be with the dogs but they are also teaching them something educational.”

There will be face painting, free hot dogs, chips, and drinks.

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Deputy Chief Jon Perry and Fire Marshal Scott Grimmett with Sparky. | Courtesy Idaho Falls Fire Department

The INL Fire Department, Central Fire District, and the BLM/Forest Service will be there, too. The Red Cross will offer safety tips on home preparedness, safety plans, and smoke detector installation.

Hammon encourages anyone to come out.

“The block party is also an opportunity not just to teach fire safety but to visit with community members in a fun and interactive way rather than on scene during an emergency. It’s an opportunity for us to visit with everybody,” she said.

She added to plan accordingly because the event is downtown.

“Just encourage people to plan a little bit of extra time for parking,” Hammon said. “Plan on parking and walking a bit and come out and enjoy!”

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Courtesy Idaho Falls Fire Department

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