Frugal living expert Jordan Page, aka the 'Fun Cheap or Free Queen,' answers 7 Questions with Emmy - East Idaho News

Frugal living expert Jordan Page, aka the ‘Fun Cheap or Free Queen,’ answers 7 Questions with Emmy

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Jordan Page is a family finance and frugal living expert known as the “Fun Cheap or Free Queen.” Her mission is to redefine frugal and teach people to live an abundant life on any budget.

Jordan has a popular website, large social media following, has written books and finance plans, and has appeared on ‘Today,’ ‘The Rachael Ray Show,’ ‘Inside Edition’ and numerous other shows. She and her husband Bubba have eight kids and live in Utah.

I had a great time chatting with Jordan! Here’s what I asked her:

  • How did you become known as the ‘Fun Cheap or Free Queen’?
  • What was your inspiration for your blog?
  • What’s the best deal you’ve ever gotten on anything?
  • How did you manage everything while raising eight kids?
  • What does it mean to be frugal to you and what’s the first thing you tell someone who wants to be wiser with their money?
  • What are some future plans you have for your business?
  • Can you share a piece of advice that might help me and our audience?

You can watch my interview with Jordan in the video player above and learn more about her on her website, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook pages.

Missed any of my previous interviews? Watch them all here. And if you have an idea of someone I should interview or just want to say hi, email me:

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