Help keep your community safe with free Narcan distribution - East Idaho News

Help keep your community safe with free Narcan distribution

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IDAHO – The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) has relaunched a program to distribute Naloxone, otherwise known as Narcan, a life-saving drug for opioid overdoses, across Idaho.

DHW announced on Monday the program would be relaunched after a pause in April, allowing people all across Idaho to keep friends and family safe in case of an overdose.

“Widespread availability of naloxone is a critical component to reducing opioid overdose deaths in Idaho,” states a news release from DHW. “Due to a new partnership with Kootenai County Fire & Rescue, organizations may once again request free 4-milligram nasal spray kits (two doses each) of Narcan, a name-brand naloxone.”

Free training kits on how to Naloxone are also available.

To order, complete the online request forms through either the Division of Behavioral Health or the Division of Public Health’s Drug Overdose Prevention Program webpages.

If your organization would also like training on how to administer naloxone, you may indicate so on your request form, and Kootenai Country Fire & Rescue will coordinate with your local public health district to provide training.

For more information on Naloxone: Naloxone Information | Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.