Young father of baby boy born with severe heart complications gets a Secret Santa surprise - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Young father of baby boy born with severe heart complications gets a Secret Santa surprise

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season.

Earlier this year, Kelsey and Scott learned at their anatomy scan that their perfect little boy had HLHS, meaning part of his heart didn’t form right. Kelsey had been through all of this with her brother and knew this meant a lot of time in the hospital.

Spencer was born July 5 and started his hospital journey at Primary Children’s Hospital in Utah. His first open heart surgery was at six days old. He then bounced between the NICU and CICU. Just before he was supposed to come home, an IV in his leg became infiltrated and caused medical problems. They had to do emergency surgery in hopes he would not lose his foot.

He got to come home at the end of September and has been in and out of the hospital since then. Kelsey just graduated and passed her nursing exam. She is trying hard to work when she can and take care of her little boy. Scott is currently in school.

Spencer went in for his second surgery on Nov. 8. They have to make several trips to Primary Children’s and have had to be taken by medical helicopter a few times because of his condition.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves if we could pay Scott and Kelsey a visit with some early Christmas gifts. Check out the surprise in the video player above!

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