Idaho Falls D91 Superintendent Karla LaOrange answers 7 Questions with Emmy - East Idaho News

Idaho Falls D91 Superintendent Karla LaOrange answers 7 Questions with Emmy

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Every week I’m interviewing fascinating people in our community, nation and around the world.

Karla LaOrange has been the superintendent of Idaho Falls School District 91 since last summer. She has spent her career in education and is the first woman in the district’s history to serve as superintendent.

I sat down with Ms. LaOrange and asked her the following questions:

  • What does a school superintendent do?
  • When did you know you wanted to go into education?
  • What was your favorite subject as a kid?
  • What makes a good teacher?
  • What is the best part of your job?
  • Do you get free school lunch and what’s your favorite thing on the menu?
  • Can you share a piece of advice that might help me and our viewers?

Watch my entire interview with Ms. LaOrange in the video player above.

Missed any of my previous interviews? Watch them all here. And if you have an idea of someone I should interview or just want to say hi, email me:

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