Local family bringing board game convention to the Gate City - East Idaho News
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Local family bringing board game convention to the Gate City

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POCATELLO — A family of board game enthusiasts is bringing a convention for their favorite pastime to the Gate City.

Play-On Game Con, a convention for board games, will take place at McKinley Mansion from Thursday, Feb. 8 to Saturday, Feb. 10. Convention goers will have the opportunity to win prizes, make new friends and, of course, play board games.

“We’re excited to see all of our work come together,” said Kendra Andersen, one of the convention’s creators. “I think, for me, it would be successful if just to see smiles on people’s faces.”

While most people are likely familiar with games like Checkers, Monopoly and Scrabble, they might not realize there are a wide array of board games out there.

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“I was very surprised at how many board games there (are) in the world when I first started,” said Myles Andersen, another convention creator and Kendra’s son.

While many are familiar with card games, Myles said there are also war games, mystery games, role-playing games, and many others. One type of game he likes to play is called an “engine builder,” where the player improves their deck of cards to better generate resources.

People who attend the convention are encouraged to bring their board games they want to play. Around 40 game tables will be set up throughout the convention for groups to form and play games together.

There will also be “hot” new games attendees can play, which aren’t even available to purchase. Teachers will be available to instruct players on how to play and get groups going.

But the games won’t all be for fun. There will be tournament tables, where players will compete to win the board game they’re playing.

There will also be concessions, arcade games and a game library.

The convention has five vendors attending, but the Andersens hope more will join. Idaho Central Credit Union, Holidae Fun and Games, Round Table Games, Mystic Realm Fantasy Fair and Joe Magic Games will all be attending.

The family’s passion for board games started on Sundays after church when Kendra’s family would play together. They also played board games frequently at family gatherings.

“So that we didn’t sit around and stare at each other,” Kendra said.

Myles’s love of board games started when he played long and complicated games with his uncles, starting at eight years old.

“I’d play them, and I’d love them and, so that’s kind of just grown to an obsession,” he said.

Myles and his uncles often went to a board game convention in Utah, even for multiple years in a row.

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Last year, he said something ambitious to his parents.

“I think I can make one of these,” Myles said.

His parents responded, “Okay, well, why not? Let’s do it,” according to Kendra. A year later, the family’s convention is almost ready.

The price to attend the convention is $15 per person for one day, $25 for two days and $45 for all three days. People who book a room at the McKinley Mansion can get free admission to the convention for every day they stay in the room.

People can buy tickets either at the gate or online. If you buy from the website, use code JUMPTHEGUN and get $10 off your ticket.

If someone isn’t really into board games, the Andersens think they just haven’t found the right game yet.

“There’s such a wide range of board games that I guarantee you there is something out there for every single person,” Kendra said.